One of the things my co-GM and I discussed when we started talking about our ‘D&D with Social Media’ campaign, which I may start calling Aliethia (from the Greek word for ‘Truth’, because I have a thing for ironic names), was the idea that the unique communications that make the local Internet equivalent work in the setting because of a giant iceberg-like of pure crystallized thought that was somehow pulled out of the Astral Plane, destroying the original city that stood where Aliethia is now and creating a mineral resource.
Each part of the crystal is still somehow in contact with the whole, which can act as a mega-server of sorts. Once this magic property was observed, it was only a matter of time before people started working with it for their advantage. And work it they have, over the following couple of centuries. The technology of the city is largely Late Medieval into the Renaissance, but in terms of how they store and access data, communicate with one another and are entertained, it is a much more 21st century feel. Perhaps even a little more advanced than our own world.
Practically everybody in the city has the equivalent to a smartphone, giving them access to their version of the Internet and that is a major feature of the setting. Isaac, my co-GM is leaning towards crystalline visors, but I’m championing ion stones. We’ll probably end up going with both.
As we try to map out various bits of the setting in terms of society and such, I’ll post more on how the economy, society, fantasy social media and dungeon crawling as a sport/Twitch culture work, if people are interested.
For instance, I am deeply interested in playing a Goblin Sorcerer in the game. Goblins aren’t exactly photogenic and despite there being many ‘humanoid’ citizens of the city of Aliethia some humans and demi-humans have lingering prejudices, so that’s problem with growing his Patron count. On the other hand, he’s an engaging little guy, flamboyant and wild and having a tendency towards truly spectacular BOOM spells. Which gives him a shot at becoming a ‘star’ of sorts, with all the perks and gold that brings with it.
#DnD #Campaign #RPGs #Aliethia