

A religious hooligan attacked 2 women who were not wearing headscarf and emptied a bucket of yoghurt over their heads before he was pushed away by other men as it was recorded on a CCTV camera!

The video was shared by millions of people around the world and caused an uproar among both the public and government officials

Today, IRI police reported that the man and the 2 women are all caught by the police to receive proper sentence for their "crime".

The shop keeper also received a warning that if he offers service to women without Hijab, his shop may be closed or even taken over by authorities!

This is a new way of IRI dealing with ever increasing number of women defying the compulsory Hijab in public. Among other punishments are a fine, losing their jobs or having their cars confiscated.

#IRI #Hijab #Hooligans #IranProtests #WomensRights #ReligiousApartheid #Religion