

Shahab Nadali, a prisoner accused of "treason" was sentenced to death in Iran today.

Shahab Nadali, a political prisoner imprisoned in Tehran's Evin Prison, has been sentenced to death.

Branch 26 of the Tehran Revolutionary Court, headed by Judge Iman Afshari, sentenced this 41-year-old prisoner to death on January 18 of this year (1402) on the charge of "treason" through what was called "membership in the opposition groups of the country".

Shahab Nadali from Hamadan was arrested earlier in June of this year by the intelligence department of this city and after some time was transferred to Evin prison in Tehran.

According to the indictment issued by Branch 26 of the Tehran Revolutionary Court, Shahab Nadali has been accused of being associated with one of the opposition groups of the Islamic Republic of Iran and armed cooperation with them. This accusation is made while according to the evidence and documents of the case, his activities were completely individual and due to the lack of use of any weapon or activity, it did not lead to a destructive result like Baghi.

According to an informed source, "the decision issued by the lower court was contested by Shahab Nadali and his lawyer, and an appeal request has been submitted to the Supreme Court." The court has not yet responded to Shahab Nadali's appeal.

صدور حکم اعدام علیه شهاب نادعلی، زندانی متهم به «بغی»

شهاب نادعلی زندانی سیاسی محبوس در زندان اوین تهران به اعدام محکوم شده است.

شعبه ۲۶ دادگاه انقلاب تهران به ریاست قاضی ایمان افشاری، در تاریخ ۱۸ دی ماه سال جاری (۱۴۰۲) این زندانی ۴۱ ساله را به اتهام «بغی» از طریق آنچه که «عضویت در جمعیت‌های معارض کشور» خوانده شده به اعدام محکوم کرده است.

شهاب نادعلی اهل همدان پیشتر در خرداد ماه سال جاری توسط اداره اطلاعات این شهر بازداشت و پس از مدتی به زندان اوین تهران منتقل شد.

بر اساس دادنامه صادره از سوی شعبه ۲۶ دادگاه انقلاب تهران، شهاب نادعلی به ارتباط با یکی از گروه‌های مخالف نظام جمهوری اسلامی و همکاری مسلحانه با آنها متهم شده است. این اتهام در حالی است که بنا بر شواهد و مستندات پرونده، فعالیت‌های او کاملا فردی بوده و به دلیل عدم استفاده از هرگونه سلاح یا فعالیت منجر به نتیجه تخریبی مصداق بغی نبوده است.

به گفته یک منبع مطلع «رای صادره از سوی دادگاه بدوی مورد اعتراض شهاب نادعلی و وکیل او قرار گرفته و درخواست فرجام‌خواهی نسبت به آن به دیوان عالی کشور ارائه شده است.» دیوان هنوز به فرجام‌خواهی شهاب نادعلی پاسخی نداده است.
#iran #deathpenalty #politics #iranprotests #IRI


Ten political prisoners imprisoned in Ghazalhasar prison, the prison where 4 Kurdish political prisoners were transferred to carry out their death sentences, in a statement, a copy of which was also obtained by "Iranwire", warned against the spread of executions in Iran and wrote that in the company With other prisoners, they will go on hunger strike every Tuesday.

Authors of this statement: Jaafar Ebrahimi, Zaratshet Ahmadi Ragheb, Sepehr Imam Juma, Luqman Aminpour, Ahmed Reza Haeri, Meisham Dehbanzadeh, Reza Salmanzadeh, Hamze Sawari, Saeed Masouri. and "Reza Mohammad Hosseini".

The authors of this letter pointed to the attack of the security agents on the political prisoners' ward of this prison on Sunday 8 Bahman 1402 and wrote: "Since our exile, we have witnessed the spread of the wave of executions of prisoners (political and non-political) and in any way possible, We have reacted to the crime and informed as much as possible.
#Iran #DeathPenalty #Politics #Kurdistan #IranProtests #IRI
ده زندانی سیاسی محبوس در زندان قزلحصار، زندانی که ۴ زندانی سیاسی کرد برای اجرای احکام اعدام‌شان به آن‌جا منتقل شده‌اند، در بیانیه‌ای که نسخه‌ای از آن نیز به دست «ایران‌وایر» رسیده، نسبت به گسترش اعدام‌ها در ایران هشدار داده‌ و نوشته‌اند که در همراهی با سایر زندانیان، هر سه‌شنبه اعتصاب غذا خواهند کرد.

•نویسندگان این بیانیه «جعفر ابراهیمی»، «زرتشت احمدی راغب»، «سپهر امام جمعه»، «لقمان امین‌پور»، «احمد رضا حائری»، «میثم دهبان‌زاده»، «رضا سلمان‌زاده»، «حمزه سواری»، «سعید ماسوری» و «رضامحمد حسینی» هستند.

•نویسندگان این نامه، به حمله ماموران امنیتی به بند زندانیان سیاسی این زندان در روز یکشنبه ۸بهمن۱۴۰۲ اشاره کرده و نوشته‌اند: «از زمان تبعیدمان تاکنون، شاهد گسترش موج اعدام زندانیان (سیاسی و غیرسیاسی) بوده‌ایم و به هر نحو ممکن، نسبت به این جنایت واکنش و در حد امکان اطلاع‌رسانی کرده‌ایم.


Iranian Writers' Association : Mohammad Qabadlo and Farhad Salimi were executed by IRI regime!

The death sentence of Mohammad Qabadlo, one of the protesters arrested in the freedom movement of summer of 2022 was executed in the early hours of Tuesday, the third of Bahman (December 23rd). The lawyer of this 23-year-old man had announced a day before that the execution of this sentence "has no legal authorization and is undoubtedly considered murder".
At the same time, the news of the execution of Farhad Salimi, a Kurdish prisoner of conscience, after serving 15 years of imprisonment, was also published in news agencies to show the government's determination to continue killing and terrorizing the population.

Earlier in a statement entitled "The death sentence must be abolished", the Iranian Writers' Association emphasized that: "There must be an end to the issuing of the death sentence and this will not happen unless the people protest and oppose the death penalty." And he also added: "In this land, every execution is political, even when they hang ordinary criminals... They want to silence the tongues and bind the hands and feet of slavery; Depriving people of their lives in this way is tied to depriving people of their right to protest and freedom of speech.

These executions have added to public anger and provoked the reaction of freedom seekers. But the ominous shadow of the rope continues to weigh on the heads of other prisoners, and as the center's statement also states: "People's help is very helpful" in the face of the flood of death sentences.

#Iran #DeathPenalty #IRI #Politics #IranUprising #IranProtests #Politics
اعدام محمد قبادلو و فرهاد سلیمی
حکم اعدام محمد قبادلو، از معترضان بازداشت‌شده در جنبش آزادی‌خواهانه‌ی شهریور ۱۴۰۱ در نخستین ساعات سه‌شنبه سوم بهمن اجرا شد. وکیل این جوان ۲۳ ساله یک روز پیش از آن اعلام کرده بود که اجرای این حکم «هیچ مجوز قانونی ندارد و بی‌تردید قتل محسوب می‌شود».
همزمان خبر اعدام فرهاد سلیمی، زندانی عقیدتی کرد، پس از گذراندن ۱۵ سال حبس نیز در خبرگزاری‌ها منتشر شد تا عزم حاکمیت بر ادامه‌ی کشتار و رعب‌آفرینی را نمایان کند.
کانون نویسندگان ایران پیش‌تر در بیانیه‌ای با عنوان «حکم اعدام باید لغو شود» تاکید کرده بود که: «باید نقطه‌ی‌ پایانی بر صدور حکم اعدام گذاشت و این دست نخواهد داد مگر به کوشش مردم معترض و مخالف اعدام». و نیز افزود بود: «در این سرزمین هر اعدامی، سیاسی است، حتی هنگامی‌که مجرمان عادی را بر دار می‌کنند... می‌خواهند بر زبان‌ها قفل سکوت بزنند و بر دست‌وپاها بندِ بندگی ببندند؛ این‌گونه سلب حیات از افراد، به سلب حق اعتراض و حق آزادی بیان مردم گره می‌خورد».
این اعدام‌ها بر خشم عمومی افزوده و واکنش آزادی‌خواهان را برانگیخته است. اما سایه‌ی شوم طناب دار کماکان بر سر دیگر زندانیان سنگینی می‌کند و چنانکه در بیانیه‌ی کانون نیز آمده است: در برابر سیل هستی‌برانداز احکام اعدام، «یاری مردم بسیار راه‌گشاست».


While the world is busy with Gaza and Israel, IRI regime has quietly stepped up it's execution of political prisoners. Milad Zahre Vand was executed in prison in Hamedan early this morning. He was only 20 years old and was sentenced to death for "killing Basij member Ali Nazeei" during the protests last year.

His lawyer and family denied the accusations but the revolutionary court ignored the witnesses of his family and sentenced him to death based on blurry and questionable proof provided by prosecuters.

His execution happened without any warning to his lawyer or his family who were informed of his death after he was executed.

#Iran #DeathPenalty #Politics #Hamedan #IranProtests #IRI #Injustolice

اجرای مخفیانه حکم اعدام #میلادزهرهوند در زندان همدان

حکم اعدام میلاد زهره‌وند، شهروند اهل شهر ملایر و از بازداشت‌شدگان خیزش انقلابی در زندان مرکزی همدان به طور مخفیانه به اجرا در آمد.

بر اساس گزارش منتشر شده، سحرگاه پنج‌شنبه دوم آذر ماه ١٤٠٢، حکم اعدام میلاد زهره‌وند، ٢٠ ساله و اهل ملایر با سناریوی ساختگی "قتل یک نیروی حکومتی" به نام علی نظری در جریان خیزش انقلابی، اجرا شد.

اجرای حکم اعدام این معترض جوان، به طور مخفیانه، بدون اطلاع‌رسانی قبلی و آخرین ملاقات با خانواده انجام گرفته است و از صبح امروز، نیروهای مسلح حکومتی در اماکن عمومی شهر ملایر مستقر شده‌‌اند.

میلاد زهره‌وند در روز پنجشنبه پنجم آبان سال گذشته، طی جریان تجمعات انقلابی مردم در شهر ملایر توسط نیروهای سپاه پاسداران به همراه پنج شهروند دیگر بازداشت شد.

وی بعدها توسط دستگاه قضایی جمهوری اسلامی به اعدام محکوم و سپس، از زندان مرکزی ملایر جهت اجرای حکم اعدام به زندان مرکزی همدان منتقل شده بود.

میلاد زهره‌وند در تمامی دوره بازداشت خود از حق دسترسی به وکیل، ملاقات حضوری و سایر حقوق ابتدایی یک متهم حتی بر اساس قوانین حداقلی جمهوری اسلامی محروم بود.


Despite strong online presence of "Iranian opposition x calling for mass protests in every city in Iran. There has been almost 0 reports of protests or demonstrations

The IRI crackdown on protes organizers and visible police, Basij and security forces, as well as lack of support among people in the country of the CIA, Mossad and MI5 backed political" leaders" was once again clearly shows how fake their popularity is and how little support they have inside the country.

It's really sad that 44 years after the revolution, there are any political figures abroad who has the support of the people in Iran to challenge the brutal regime of the mullahs.

#iran sPolitics #iranprotests #mahsaamini #IranDiaspora #RealityCheck


The charlatan and Trump loving self proclaimed "leader" of Iranian womens movement was invited to talk in front of the US Congress!

Sadly, just like Venezuela, the US and EU countries always looking for puppets who does as they are told, play the role of the leader to act like they care for the people of Iran.

On the 1 year anniversary of the death of Mahsa Amini, and the mass protests that followed, the movement that could have led to major changes in the country, as many moderate and even conservative voices in the country stood behind the movement and call for easing the restrictions on women and disbanding the Sharia patrol, it turned into a violent and bloody battle where small groups of people tried to turn the protests into a "revolution", by attacking and police, government buildings and IRGC/Basij locations.

The band of CIA backed "opposition leaders" believed that they finally had the regime in the corner and their next press conference would be in Tehran.

They received millions of dollars from US and even more euros from various European countries, money that went into the pockets of people like Alinejad and Pahlavi.

Once again, the morons in Washington and Brussels fucked up Iran's chance to make a change, all for the benefits of the criminal president of IRI who happily crushed the uprising and use the failure of these lunatics as a daily joke on their various telegram channels while cracking on any attempt to protest the aniversary of the death of the young woman who turned into a symbol of resilience of Iranian women who still standing tall and fighting back the Taliban regime of khamenei and his goons.

#Iran #Politics #Alinejad #Pahlavi #MahsaAmini #IranProtests #CIA #EU


Amnesty International: Javad Rouhi's death is suspicious and a "fact-finding committee" should be formed

Amnesty International: Javad Rouhi's death is suspicious and a "fact-finding committee" should be formed

In response to the "suspicious death" of Javad Rouhi in prison, Amnesty International issued a statement on Thursday calling for an "investigation" and an "independent investigation" into the cause of the death of this political prisoner.

In the statement of the 8th of Shahrivar 1402 of Amnesty International, the authorities of the Islamic Republic have been accused of victimizing Javad Rouhi with a series of "international crimes", including "enforced disappearance", "individual" and "torture", in order to force him to "confess". be

This organization issued a statement while condemning the "suspicious death" of this "political prisoner" in the Islamic Republic of Iran, and considered it to be a "hateful violation of the right to life in the Islamic Republic of Iran".

Not long ago, Amnesty International had accused the IRGC operatives of putting Javad Rouhi in solitary confinement under all kinds of physical and mental torture, including whipping, threats of rape, and mock execution.

In a previous statement by Amnesty International, Javad Rouhi's lawyer emphasized in the court that the video does not prove that he was involved in inciting or participating in the massive fire and that his "confessions" were obtained under pressure and coercion, and the issuing of death sentences for Such crimes clearly violate the "right to life" based on "international laws".

سازمان عفو بین‌الملل: مرگ جواد روحی، مشکوک است و باید «کمیته حقیقت‌یاب» تشکیل شود

سازمان عفو بین‌الملل: مرگ جواد روحی، مشکوک است و باید «کمیته حقیقت‌یاب» تشکیل شود

در واکنش به «مرگ مشکوک» جواد روحی در زندان، سازمان عفو بین‌الملل پنج‌شنبه با انتشار بیانیه‌ای خواستار برگزاری «تحقیق و تفحص» و انجام «تحقیقات مستقل» درباره علت مرگ این زندانی سیاسی شد.

در بیانیه هشتم شهریور ۱۴۰۲ سازمان عفو بین‌الملل، مقام‌های جمهوری اسلامی متهم شده‌‌اند که جواد روحی را با مجموعه‌ای از «جرایم بین‌المللی»، از جمله «ناپدید‌سازی قهری»، «انفرادی» و «شکنجه»، قربانی کرده‌اند تا او وادار به «اعتراف اجباری» شود.

این سازمان با انتشار بیانیه‌ای ضمن محکومیت «مرگ مشکوک» این «زندانی سیاسی» دربند جمهوری اسلامی، آن‌ را نشان‌گر «نقض نفرت‌انگیز حق زندگی در نظام جمهوری اسلامی» دانست.

چندی‌پیش سازمان عفو بین‌الملل «عوامل سپاه پاسداران» را متهم کرده بود که جواد روحی را در سلول‌های انفرادی زیر انواع شکنجه‌های جسمی و روحی، از جمله شلاق، تهدید به تجاوز و اعدام ساختگی قرار داده‌ بودند.

در بیانیه قبلی سازمان عفو بین‌الملل، وکیل جواد روحی در دادگاه تاکید کرده بود که این ویدئو ثابت نمی‌کند که او در تحریک یا مشارکت در آتش‌سوزی گسترده دست داشته و «اعترافات» او تحت فشار و با اجبار به دست آمده است و صدور احکام اعدام برای چنین جرایمی، آشکارا «حق حیات» را بر اساس «قوانین بین‌المللی» نقض می‌کند.

#iran #Amnesty #Humanrights #Politics #torture #iri #IranProtests


The life of Abbas Deris, political prisoner who has been in jail since October 2019 is in danger.

He was caught during the 2019 protests and was sentenced to death as "Mohareb" (person at war with stare).

His sentence was sent to the highest court of IRI and the reports say that it was approved. But his family say that neither him nor his lawyer were informed of the final sentence and still waiting for the official judgment.

#AbbasEdris #DeathPenalty #Politics #IranProtests #IRI #stopExecutionsInIran #IRI #Injustice


PEN America Condemns Six-Year Prison Sentence for Iranian Rapper Toomaj Salehi and Calls on Iran to Release Him Immediately

Musician Reportedly Was Severely Tortured and Denied Medical Care Since His Arrest in 2022

(NEW YORK) – #PEN America today called for the immediate release of Iranian dissident and rapper #ToomajSalehi and condemned the “brutal” six-year #prison sentence he received on Monday solely for his protest music and encouraging dissent. Reported to have been tortured severely since his arrest in October 2022 on grounds of causing “corruption on Earth,” Salehi has been transferred out of solitary confinement and into a general ward.
Julie Trebault, director of #PENAmerica’s Artists at Risk Connection, said: “The severe sentence imposed on Salehi is a stark example of the Iranian authorities’ brutal actions. Persecuting musicians solely for their creative and free expression is unacceptable. Although the sentencing has moved him out of solitary confinement, we remain gravely concerned about his safety and well-being. We demand his immediate release and for all charges to be dropped against him. ARC stands firm in its commitment to defending artistic freedom and condemning any form of oppression on artists and cultural workers.”

#Politics #IranProtests #IranUprising #IRI


Toumaj Salehi, one of the key characters captured by IRI for participation in the riots that led to death of some Basij and police forces, had his death penalty revoked and turned to 6 years and 2 months prison.

The Iranian diaspora keep repeating that he was deemed "Mifsed fil Arz" (corrupt on earth) a term used against people with moral and political view that deemed impossible to changed and carries a death sentence.

It is upsetting that these people don't even know the basic rules of Iranian penal law and blindly repeaterhese nonsense. Something that in the long run plays in the hands of IRI regime and it's propaganda bots.

Finally, the sentence was approved and Salehi was removed from solitary confinement and into the public ward of the prison.

توماج صالحی به اتهام «افساد فی الارض» به ۶ سال و ۳ ماه حبس محکوم شد

رزا اعتماد انصاری، وکیل توماج صالحی در گفت‌وگو با «شبکه شرق» به آخرین وضعیت پرونده توماج صالحی، خواننده بازداشتی در جریان اعتراضات ایران اشاره و اظهار کرد: امروز رای پرونده دادگاه بدوی توماج صالحی به ما به عنوان وکیل پرونده ابلاغ شد. ... همچنین توماج صالحی از امروز به بند عمومی زندان منتقل شد. او پیش از این در انفرادی بود.

#Iran #ToumajSalehi #Politics #IranProtests #IranUprising #ShariaLaw #PoliticalPrisoner