

Ukrainian survivor of Russian torture files legal complaint in #Argentina

A Ukrainian man has filed a criminal complaint to Argentina's Federal Judiciary against the Russian occupying forces who tortured him, The Reckoning Project (TRP), an international NGO that works to bring war crime cases to court, announced on April 16.

Argentina's constitution allows for trials on "international crimes, including crimes against humanity and #WarCrimes, irrespective of where they took place," on the basis of universal jurisdiction, TRP said in a press release.

Though this case is the first time a #Ukrainian #torture complaint has been filed in Argentina, Mr M said that he is "one of so many cases."


#RussiaInvadedUkraine #RussianTorture #StandWithUkraine


EU creates fresh plan for $22 billion in military support for Ukraine

The new proposal would seek to approach the deadlock with a plan to disburse the $22 billion back to EU member states over the next four years in compensation for funds they have spent on military aid for Ukraine.

The EU is also set to meet on Feb. 1 to vote again on a $54 billion package of economic aid to Ukraine previously blocked by Hungary in December


#EU #RussiaInvadedUkraine #WarCrimes #RussianTorture #MilitaryAid #Ukraine #Europe #StandWithUkraine