

Containing the excesses of malignant narcissism is a team effort…

According to Tyson Yunkaporta, the aboriginal author of the acclaimed book Sand Talk, containing the excesses of malignant narcissists is a team effort. These are the people who believe they are more important that everyone and everything. “Their behavior needs massive checks and balances to contain the damage it can do,” writes Tyson.

“The combination of social fragmentation and lightning fast communication today, however, means we have to deal with these crazy people alone, as individuals butting heads with narcissists in a lawless void, and they are thriving unchecked in this environment. Engaging with them alone is futile–never wrestle a pig, as the old saying goes; you both end up covered in shit, and the pig likes it. The fundamental rules of human interaction do not apply to them, although they weaponize those rules against everyone else.

The basic protocols of aboriginal societies, like most societies, include respecting and hearing all points of view in a yarn. Narcissist demand this right, then refuse to allow other points of view on the grounds that any other opinion somehow infringes their freedom of speech or is offensive. They destroy the basic social contract of reciprocity (which allows people to build a reputation of generosity based on sharing to ensure ongoing connectedness and support), shattering this framework of harmony with a few words of nasty gossip. They apply double standards and breakdown systems of give and take until every member of a social group is lost in a Darwinian struggle for power and dwindling resources that destroys everything. Then they move on to another place, another group. Feel free to extrapolate this pattern globally and historically.”

-SAND TALK, First Harper One, © 2020 by Tyson Yunkaporta. Page 27 and 28

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