

Interesting, predictable, and predictably petty...

Liz Cheney’s remarks at a Harris campaign event evidently struck a nerve with Trump

Cheney, one of Trump’s fiercest Republican critics, called the former president petty, vindictive and cruel.

In response to the #truth about him, by 2 bastions of super-(real) "conservative" Republicanism (Liz & Dick Cheney), Sir StableGenius spewed:

“What a pathetic couple that is, both suffering gravely from Trump Derangement Syndrome,” ...

Aside from/reflecting his usual #projection it is notable how he latches on to his own-named "Derangement Syndrome".
He thinks/fantasizes that people have gone insane hating him, but it is him that is so clearly & deeply #deranged, be it his natural state (as he projected on Kamala) or his ever-growing #BrainSpurs combined with other #cognitve dysfunction & #psychopatholgy ...

Finally, speaking of "striking a nerve" - which in his case may set off very base primitive reactions, almost resembling human #thinking but more in line with basic reptilian response layered over in #psychopathy, #malevolence, #narcissism & "all the best words."

So poor Donnie ("Its so unfair") Drumpf is ... a bit thin-skinned? Well, then, he must really be enjoying the media campaign in Mar-a-lago land, especially the new Lincoln Project spot "Brutus" speaking directly to #DonOld #TrumpVirus, saying "you're in trouble" with not only the law but ... watch your back, because the smoother-than-you Junior Drumpf (JD) #VanceVirus is already planning to push you aside within 2 years (Article 25) and become the #Project2025 dictator for 10 years. Hm... What say you, Donald? #WordSalad ?

And also all over the media markets he ingests, George Conway wants to provoke a melt-down, maybe, with this 'Trump is Crazy' ad.

So many are able to process #reality - but for the perfect one who aspires to save us in his name - cringe - he rolls on, "infecting & invecting" without any actual #thinking beyond me-me-win-them-disgraceful-punish-namecall-win-conquer- Buy a watch.... Me me...


And the prize for #projection in service of X-treme #psychopathology goes to.... (drumroll) Sir #DonOld #TrumpVirus


From Robert Reich ( also earning an award here for #Truth )

Everything bad is their fault, disgraceful; He'd be #perfect, and as always the source of all #terrific #words & ideas. (like bleach)

Why is Trump claiming a coup?

His mind cannot conceive of anything else

Aside from the cognitive chasms in that "mind", in terms of #psychopathology, in our lifetimes (or maybe history) there has NEVER been a better example, definitionally and profusely, of #projection -
On top of the layers of #narcissism and inability to "think" or talk human,



Heh... Missed this part (well, all of it) - though saw highlights, like the delayed start and Sir #MuskVirus just saying "yeah yeah"...

The Felon Tells Elmo He'll Flee To Venezuela If He Loses The Election

So aside from the usual #WordSalad from Sir #TrumpVirus with all the best words...
Trump (in his 'mind') made a date with the mayor of #Muskville to break bread in terrific Venezuela. IF 'something goes wrong'.

Mind-blowing, were it not from the already 10x frozen over world of 'thinking' about things, by Lord #TrumpVirus.

#Psychopathology master meets #Narcissism in the sandbox, with fellow delusionist and terrific person, in #GQP #cult land.


A two-fer of #truth from two fine cartoonists.

Seems like maybe this reality about Emperor #TrumpVirus' clothes (and 'mind') unravelling is 'growing legs'.
About time. Guy is not only full-tilt "unhinged" and disengaged from reality & humanity, but as a #cult leader, doubly dangerous.

Yes, comical too, were it not for real and were there not a history and danger looming yet again, of Sir and his #GQP #cult rekindling,

#psychopathy #psychopathology #Malignant #narcissism #evil #anomoly


Sir #TrumpVirus & his happy holiday words

"All the Best Words". Terrific. Perfect really, just like him... and, world's best father, clearly. Best everything, really. He gets it!

#TrumpVirus #psychopathology #WordSalad #narcissism #ego


What a surprise!!

Biographer: Melania Trump Trawls the Internet Looking for Coverage of Herself

Birds of a feather? Narcissism & a perfect coupling?

It is well known that Donald Trump is obsessed with the way he is covered in the news. It is common to see the former President respond almost in real-time to slights both real and imagined.
Biographer: Melania Trump Trawls the Internet Looking for Coverage of Herself [VIDEO]

What a surprise!

Melania Trump is much quieter on her social media, but apparently, she has habits similar to her husband's. During a recent interview, biographer Katie Rogers says the former First Lady is often on the lookout for positive coverage.

#Melania #TrumpVirus #narcissism


Lord #TrumpVirus the "stable genius" is now spouting off challenges to compete with him for cognitive clarity.
As long as he can choose the 'test'; so his opponent must be prepared to out-do a 'perfect' ID of woman-man-person-camera.....

What I know from decades of teaching, researching, and doing cognitive assessment is that "thinking" is multi-dimensional and that people do have different patterns of strengths and weakness; some are better at spatial reasoning & memory, some are verbally oriented. Some can plan and see cause/effect, others don't do so well. Some grab concepts quickly, verbal &/or nonverbal, others no.

So I'm left pondering how the guy with "all the best words" would do on test of word use and conceptual reasoning.

On one of the earlier Wechsler (IQ) tests, a favorite item (no longer asked) was: "What does this expression mean: "Shallow brooks are noisy". I would love to see Drumpf's answer! (Or on any item tapping 'concept formation' or categorization'.)

Of course I smile at the thought of his taking any sort of formal thinking / 'emotional' / 'projective' test. I'd do the testing for free!

I'm pretty sure one of the old classics would end up like this.

#Psych #cognitive #projective #IQ #narcissism #Rorschach #mental #competency #assessment


Something "we here" have touched upon, and today we've been joined by the Atlantic.


Is Dark Lord #TrumpVirus "neurologically" messed up? (Is/was the sky blue?) Or is it more psychological, like thinking and behavior?

I'm biased of course. And of course the MD went with neurons in this (basically re-do) of the diagnostic overview, or dance-around.

My response, on Planet X (above)

#TrumpVirus #Psychopathology #neuro #narcissism #psychology #malevolence #cognition #delusional #thinking