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#Ashlesha #Nakshatra - Ashlesha is the ninth Nakshatra in #Vedic #astrology ranging from 16°40' to 30° Karka.

Symbol - The symbol of this Nakshatra is #Serpent.

Astronomical Name - This Nakshatra corresponds to δ, ε, η, ρ and σ Hydrae, in the #Hydra #constellation.

Deity of Nakshatra - #Sarpas or #Nagas, deified snakes are the deities of Ashlesha Nakshatra.

Ruling Planet - Ashlesha Nakshatra is ruled by #Budh (the planet #Mercury).

Others - Ashlesha is also known as the #Clinging Star or Naga. It is a Trikshna or Sharp Nakshatra. It is the #birth star of #Ketu.



#Ashlesha #Nakshatra: #Champa is the Ashlesha Nakshatra #tree from the Nakshatra family. These people should always take care of the ones they plant. It is suggested that natives meditate under this tree and touch its feet daily. Additionally, keeping its fruit safe will bring prosperity and money

As per #VedicAstrology, the ruling planet for Ashlesha Nakshatra is Planet #Mercury. It looks like a coiled #serpant. The Hindu deity for this Nakshatra is #Nagas / #Sarpas. The gender of this star is female. If you belong to Ashlesha constellation, check out predictions related to it such as characteristics, personality and traits, education and income, family life, and much more.



#Ashlesha #nakshatra
“The Clinging Star”
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#Shakti (Power): Vis Ashleshana Shakti (The Power to “Inflict Poison and Destroy the Victim”)

Symbol: Coiled Serpent, Circle, Wheel

Deity: Sarpas or Nagas (Deified Serpents, Deities of Wisdom and the Underworld also called as Naga Loka)

Favourable: Activities that require a Harsh Demeanour like Filing Lawsuits, Poisoning, Scheming against Enemies, Carnality, Short Term Prospects, Kundalini Yoga, Gambling, Pest Control, Filing Lawsuits, Sexual Activity and Disposing of Useless Items

Unfavourable: Lying in the Background, Dealing with Money, Beginning New Activities or Starting Projects of a Positive Nature, Business, Trade, and Giving or Receiving a Financial Loan

Key Points

Ash = Burning Vish=Poison (Vis Ashlesha)
Gandanthara Points
Lot of mysitcs, Yogas, Sadhanas
Lord Shiva holded the halahal
Snakes shades skin, Hibernation – Poor vision
Spiritual , Sensual , sexual
Hypnotic eyes. Attract the people.
Mars get debilitated, Use to get threaten because he is not courageous
Teksha Nakshatra, Adomuka Nakshatra – Underground, under world, black money.
Manipulation – Snakes.
Lord shiva always control of poison.
Water is past, Fire is Future – Gandantara Nakshatras. – Transformation
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Elements connected to Ashlesha Nakshatra
Deity #Sarpas / #Nagas
Symbol Coiled Serpent
Planet #Mercury
Purushartha Dharma
Gana Rakshasha (Demon)
Varna Mcleccha (Outcaste)
Element Apas (Water)
TriMurthi Shiva (Dissolve)
Animal Male #Cat
Bird Spotted Owlet)
Tree Alexandrian Laurel or Nag Champa
Sound Dee, Doo, Day, Doh
Mythology of Ashlesha

Krishna Head of Snake to dull the ego of the snake. Controlled

Lord Shiva Controlled the Snake – Halahal – Vasuki – Poision – Shera sagara madana.

Swarna – Banu- Lord Vishnu used the sudarshana chakra.

Garuda & 100 Nagas


Key Themes

Sensual, Seductive and Hypnotic Eyes
Disguise, Secrecy, Deception and Manipulation
Remorseless, High Ego, Suspicious & Cold Natured

Star: Ashlesha

Rasi (Zodiac): Cancer

Range: 16o 40’ – 30o 00’ Cancer

Padas: Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius, Pisces

Ruling Planet: Mercury

Meaning: “The Embracing”, “The Entwiner”

Indication: “The Clinging Star”

Body Part: Joints, Nails, Ears

Guna (Quality): Sattwa

Gana (Race): Rakshasa (Demon)

Purushartha (Goal): Dharma (Righteousness)

Tridosha: Kapha (Phlegm or Water + Earth)

Nature/ Category of Star: Tikshna (Sharp/ Dreadful)

Varna (Caste): Mleccha (Outcaste)

Gotra (Clan): Vashistha (name translates as the “Possessor of Wealth”)

Direction: South

Pancha Mahabhuta (Element): Apas (Water)

Basis Above: The Approach of the Serpent

Basis Below: Agitation or Trembling

Desire: To Overcome Enemies

Result of Shakti, Basis, & Desire: Destruction of the Victim

Activity: Active

TriMurthi (Process): Shiva (Dissolve)

Direction of Mouth / Motion: Adho Mukha (Looking Down/ Facing Downwards)

Yoni (Gender): Male

Animal Symbol: Cat

Bird: Small Blue Sparrow , Spotted Owlet (Pingala Pakshi), Heron

Sounds: Dee, Doo, Day, Doh

Tree/ Plant: Nag Champa, Beauty Leaf Tree, Alexandrian Laurel (Latin Name: Calophylum Inophyllum)

Colour: Blackish Red