
  1. #Revati #Nakshatra enter image description here Mridangam A drum is also a symbol of Revati.

Ruling Planet: #Mercury ( #Budh)

#Symbol: #Drum

Associated Deity: #Pushan, a #god of #protection

Associated Stars: Revati

Corresponding Position in the Western Zodiac: 10°26′ – 23°46 Aries

Quality or Modality: #Tender ( #Mritu)

Associated Element: #Ether

Personality Traits: Shy, traditional, stands out in a crowd, caring and nurturing, sometimes has low self-esteem


  1. #Jyeshtha #Nakshatra enter image description here moon stone earrings Jyestha is represented by #earrings or an #umbrella.

Ruling Planet: #Mercury ( #Budh)

Associated Deity: #Indra

Associated Stars: #Antares, #Paikauhale, and #Sigma #Scorpionis

Corresponding Position in the Western Zodiac: 10°26′-23°46′ Sagittarius

Quality or Modality: #Sharp ( #Tikshna)

Associated Element: #Air

Personality Traits: Respectful, enjoys material items, mature, sometimes lacks perspective, complains, helps those less fortunate


  1. #Ashlesha #nakshatra

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Tartar sand boa (Eryx tataricus) is a species of snake in the Boidae family.
A snake symbolizes Ashlesha.

Ruling Planet: #Mercury ( #Budh)

Associated Deity: #Nagas, #snake gods

Associated Stars: #Delta, #Epsilon, #Eta, #Rho, and #Sigma #Hydrae

Corresponding Position in the Western Zodiac: 10°26′-23°46′ Leo

Quality or Modality: #Sharp ( #Tikshna)

Associated Element: #Water

Personality Traits: Spiritual, interested in the occult, anxious, aware of social structures, strategic, sometimes deceitful or manipulative



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#Jyeshtha #Nakshatra - Jyeshtha is the seventeenth Nakshatra in #Vedic #astrology ranging from 16°40' - 30° Vrishchika.

Symbol - The symbol of this Nakshatra is a #circular #amulet, #umbrella and #earring.

Astronomical Name - This Nakshatra is corresponding to α, σ and τ Scorpionis.

Deity of Nakshatra - #Indra, chief of the gods is the deity of Jyeshtha Nakshatra.

Ruling Planet - Jyeshtha Nakshatra is ruled by #Budh (the planet #Mercury).

Others - Jyeshtha also translates as the " #eldest" or " #seniormost". It is related to the eldest sister Alakshmi, who is in the opposition constellation to Rohini, her beautiful sister located in Taurus. Jyeshtha has a rakshasa nature with artha as the primary motivation. The shakti of this asterism is "the power to rise and conquer and gain courage in battle".



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#Ashlesha #Nakshatra - Ashlesha is the ninth Nakshatra in #Vedic #astrology ranging from 16°40' to 30° Karka.

Symbol - The symbol of this Nakshatra is #Serpent.

Astronomical Name - This Nakshatra corresponds to δ, ε, η, ρ and σ Hydrae, in the #Hydra #constellation.

Deity of Nakshatra - #Sarpas or #Nagas, deified snakes are the deities of Ashlesha Nakshatra.

Ruling Planet - Ashlesha Nakshatra is ruled by #Budh (the planet #Mercury).

Others - Ashlesha is also known as the #Clinging Star or Naga. It is a Trikshna or Sharp Nakshatra. It is the #birth star of #Ketu.
