

From pro Russian telegram channel: And so on the 24th, the European #satellite #Sentinel-1 tried to take an image of #Sevastopol in the radar range - only then a surprise awaited it.

The #Sentinel is equipped with a radar that allows it to form an image of the earth's surface even in conditions of interference. This radar operates at a frequency of 5.405 GHz. Accordingly, any radiation (primarily from military radars) at close frequencies creates interference for the satellite radar.

But in the photo it is clearly not interference from the operation of one or more radars, but the result of the operation of an electronic warfare complex, jamming the radar frequency with counter interference over a huge area.

Of course, this will not save you from optical monitoring, but the ability to “turn off” satellite radars is worth a lot. Low bow to the electronic warfare service and engineers!

#Russia #Ukraine #NATO #UkraineWar


From pro Russian telegram channel: And so on the 24th, the European #satellite #Sentinel-1 tried to take an image of #Sevastopol in the radar range - only then a surprise awaited it.

The #Sentinel is equipped with a radar that allows it to form an image of the earth's surface even in conditions of interference. This radar operates at a frequency of 5.405 GHz. Accordingly, any radiation (primarily from military radars) at close frequencies creates interference for the satellite radar.

But in the photo it is clearly not interference from the operation of one or more radars, but the result of the operation of an electronic warfare complex, jamming the radar frequency with counter interference over a huge area.

Of course, this will not save you from optical monitoring, but the ability to “turn off” satellite radars is worth a lot. Low bow to the electronic warfare service and engineers!

#Russia #Ukraine #NATO #UkraineWar


Seems I completety overlooked the Russian MoD's answer to the question how a couple drones could swim about in the harbour of #Sevastopol unimpeded and unnoticed and take all the time they needed to choose their targets.

But probably the Canadian and British and likely the Liechtensteinians who orchestrated the attacks are so devious, nobody in the media dares to ask the question.