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#Vishakha #Nakshatra in #Astrology can be split as Vi and Shakha. Vi means special, and Shakha means branches. The literal meaning of word Vishakha is the one with special or many branches.

Vishakha Nakshatra in #VedicAstrology is one of the Adhomukhi Nakshatras (or the Nakshatras which have their mouths downwards). In these Nakshatras, things related to tanks, wells, temples, mining, digging, etc., can be auspiciously begun and performed.

Symbol: A #Thoran ( #Door Garland)
The symbol of Vishakha Nakshatra is ‘thoran’ or the decoration of the door. This is an indication that eyelids have finished forming.

Another symbol for Vishakha is the #potter’s #wheel. This suggests the circular movement of a baby in the womb. The literal meaning of Vishakha suggests a baby’s neural reflexes to swallow amniotic fluid.

Deity: The #Shakragni
The Lord of Vishakha Nakshatra is Shakragni. Shakragni is a male combination of #Indhra and #Agni. Indra is the God of heaven, lightning, thunderstorms, clouds, rains, and streams of water. He rides on a white elephant. The meaning of the word Indhu is a raindrop.

Range 200⁰ – 213⁰ 20”
Rashi Libra (Tula) and Scorpio (Vruschik)
#Yogathara #Zuben or Alpha Libra
Position North of Vishakha
Apparent Magnitude 2.75
Latitude +0⁰ 20” 01
Longitude 201⁰13” 22’
Right ascension 14h 50m 36.1s
Declination -16⁰ 1” 16’
Characteristics of Vishakha Nakshatra in Astrology
The natives with Vikshakha Nakshatra have blood-shot eyes, are slim, and they live a healthy and long life.
The natives have a stable mind, mixed disposition, ascetic winning his senses, subtle, and have controlled senses.
The natives are unbiased and will give equal treatment to friends and foes.
The natives are strong-minded and have the potential to destroy their enemies easily. They can be skilful with fire and working with metals, and they can also be an expert in the brewery.
The natives are grounded and are kind in nature. They are always available to help others.
The natives with Vishakha Nakshatra are very obedient, intelligent, and witty.
The natives are generally candid, speak the truth, and always believe in their morals and core values.
The natives with Vishakha Nakshatra can engage in doing Yagya and worship, since they are very religious.
The natives can be fond of children.
The natives with Vishakha Nakshatra can be very reserved in nature and can have only a few close friends, but they will always cherish the people who are on their side.
The natives can sometimes be fierce and sometimes mild.
The natives are good with the words, they speak well, and are very skilful in learning various languages.
The natives with the Vishakha Nakshatra are short-tempered, quarrelsome, and they can easily get jealous.
The natives have their own way of dealing with their partner, and they can be gentle lovers.
The natives can be very charismatic, which makes them more appealing to the opposite sex.
Historical Significance of Vishakha Nakshatra in Astrology | Symbolism of Vishakha Nakhsatra in Astrology
The yoni animal of Vishakha Nakshatra is the male tiger. The tiger hunts around 3:30-4:00 am when it’s completely quiet, and certain animals are just starting to wake up.
A Vishakha native will always wake up around this time or at least become aware that they were asleep, and now they are up. Some may not do anything specific, while some may love to have midnight snacks.
Tigers also hunt at night due to their retinal adaptation to darkness; they can see extremely clearly in the dark, so a tiger or tigress can see quite well in the dark.
Vishakha Nakshatra natives can easily adapt to darkness much quicker and faster than others, especially when luminaries like Sun or Moon are in this Nakshatra.
A tiger is an extremely careful animal who is quiet when hunting, and you wouldn’t know what hit you.
He would suddenly launch at you with an attack.
Vishakha natives are also very quiet, but when they are pushed constantly, they will suddenly lunge and attack you, and they don’t just attack to show, but to cause some harm, so you know next time not to provoke them.
A tiger has bangle patches all around its body, which discourages predators and shows that they are present and not to be messed with.
The symbolism of Vishakha Nakshatra is a triumphal arch, potter’s wheel. When a triumphal arch is looked at, the “arch” can be noticed, which is very important in the life of a Vishakha native.
The symbol of an arch is connected with pillars and is considered a place of regal royal statuses like government buildings, palaces, and luxury hotels.
This symbolism represents the return of warriors from a winning battlefield.
In olden days, when a champion or solider came back from winning the battle, they were ceremonially greeted under a triumphant gate.
Whenever a Vishaka native enters a home or a workplace with an arch or pillars, they achieve quick success but suddenly also lose interest in either professional or personal life, depending upon which gates the arch represents.
The other symbolism of Vishakha is the potter’s wheel. There is also a type of wheel that is used in directing ships and yachts, which can also be symbolized by this wheel.
The potter’s wheel shows the creative and artistic side of Vishakha natives. They know how to sculpt something from nothing and how to get a business or venture from thin air.
The wheel goes around, and the pottery is created in the middle. Vishakha natives think the world revolves around them, and they become too self-centered and egotistical.
The pottery wheel is also in a shape of a galaxy on the finger of Vishnu and Krishna, and this again signifies that Vishakha natives think they run and rule the world.
The wheel also represents what goes around, comes around. Vishaka natives are more susceptible in getting quick back karma based on their actions.
Vishakha Nakshatra is the only Nakshatra with two different deities, with each of them having their own individual Nakshatras.
The deities are Indra, who presides over Jyeshtha Nakshatra, and Agni, who rules Krittika Nakshatra. Indra is the king of the Gods, who is the champion, and is seen as the one enjoying all the luxuries, drinking soma, & gambling.
He is the king of Gods, yet he is the most insecure, as he is not willing to let go of his throne and ends up acting out of his insecurities.
Agni is the God of fire who, along with Indra, drinks soma. Agni transfers the offerings from the men to the Gods and back. He is present in all the fire rituals, especially yagnas & havans done by the men to fulfil their desires.
The story goes that Agni was filled with great hunger and needed to burn down the Khandava forest to quench his hunger. However, Takshaka, the serpent king, lived in the forest and was a friend of Indra.
Hence, Indra would bring down rains to prevent Agni from consuming the forest.
After obtaining their divine weapons and the chariot from Varuna, Arjuna and Krishna created a canopy of arrows, which allowed Agni to consume the forest.
Indra was happy that his son, Arjuna, was able to complete his task and blessed him.
Indra also killed Visvarupa, son of Tvashta or Vishwakarma. As a result, Tvashta created Vritra to avenge Visvarupa’s killing, but unfortunately, he too was slayed by Indra with his Vajra, prepared from the bones of Rishi Dadhichi.
Vishakha natives are extremely insecure and cannot take defeat by another person.
They want to be the champion; they want to be the first and will do whatever it takes to achieve it.
Since Vishakha represents two deities, it shows a divide, a division in these natives.
They are always split into decisions, what to do, what not to do, whether to pick this or that, and they usually have a split personality or mood disorder due to such confusion in their life.
Vishakha natives are extremely clever in accomplishing their mission in life.
Vishakha natives can easily penetrate into their enemy’s heart by befriending them, and when they know what hurts the person the most, they will use that against them.
Vishakha Nakshatra is about Indra and Agni and shows that at one point in their life, Vishakha natives find a fascination with fire rituals, raw fire pit, barbeque or even a smoker.
In mythology, Indra is seen being obsessed with Ahilya, the wife of sage Gautam.
He started stalking and pursuing her even after she was married. He tricked his way and transformed himself into her husband’s body, and made love to her.
Ahilya, though knowing something was wrong, surrendered and made love. When her husband walked into the hut and saw them both, he cursed Indra to have his body covered with 1000 yonis (vagina). Ashamed, he went into isolation, and when other Gods found this, they pleaded to Brahma to help Indra.
Brahma went to sage Gautam and requested that a thousand yonis be turned into thousand eyes. The wish was granted.
The above mythology shows the sexual obsession of a Vishakha native. At one point in their life, they will seduce someone else’s spouse and even be in danger of getting caught.
Vishakha natives would be obsessed with porn, constant masturbation, and always having a lustful eye for every beautiful female or male.
The thousand eyes of Indra transforms into the obsession of spying on others, having an obsession with spying on others, especially on women.
Vishakha natives simply always want to bring down the heavens to the Earth. These natives want to have a lavish house, a bar in the house, beautiful paintings.
Most of the time, Vishakha men love painting of classic nude women or dancing women.
This is because, in Indra’s palace, there were dancers, parties, and all the pleasure of the heaven.
Vishakha Nakshatra also deals with secret societies, obsession for learning about the illuminati, freemasons and skull & bone society.
Attributes of Vishakha Nakshatra in Astrology
Spread from 20’00” Libra (Tula) up to 3’20” Scorpio (Vrischika).
Another name of this star is Radha, a compliment to Anuradha, the birth star of Surya.
From this is derived the fulfilment of action, variety of enterprise, achievement irrespective of the means employed, and fearless and unscrupulous pursuit of self-interest.
The native born under this star works at various things but hardly concentrates on any one of them. To spread about and to dissipate is another attribute of this star.
The native of this star aims at success and is pleased with it when it happens; nothing else matters.
Other attributes include obedience to religious injunctions, quickness of the uptake, and also loss and disaster from enemies.
Description of Vishakha Nakshatra in Vedic Astrology Treatise
According to Hora Sara: The native born in Vishakha Nakshatra will be odiously disposed, will utter too much, have sons, wife, money, and wisdom, and be respectful towards the learned, preceptors, and Brahmins, and be liberal in donations. He will suffer from eye diseases.
According to Jataka Parijata: If a native is born under the star Vishakha, he will be proud, but luxurious, overcome his enemies and betray much irritability.
According to Sage Narada: The native born in Vishakha Nakshatra will be extremely jealous, slim, skillful in languages, will destroy his enemies, be an ascetic, wealthy and miserly.
According to Brihat Samhita: The native born under Vishakha Nakshatra becomes jealous, greedy, bright in appearance, clever in speech, and quarrelsome.
Vishakha Nakshatra Pada Description
Vishakha Nakshatra 1st Pada:
1st Pada of Vishakha Nakshatra is ruled by Aries Navamsa (Governed by Mars).
The native born in the first pada of Vishakha Nakshatra focuses on relationships, is passionate, instinctive and willful in nature. His relationships may lack strong commitment, he can appear rude, adamant unpredictable and fearful.
Those born in the first pada of Vishakha Nakshatra possess a small girdle, remember help rendered by others, proud, are addicted to bad jobs, troublesome to relatives and bereft of corns and wealth, wise, enjoyers and peaceful.
Vishakha Nakshatra 2nd Pada:
2nd Pada of Vishakha Nakshatra is ruled by Taurus Navamsa (Governed by Venus).
The native born in the second pada of Vishakha Nakshatra is lustful, creative, talented with arts, changing the way culture and art works, changing family traditions and values, and creative with change in finances.
Those born in the second pada of Vishakha Nakshatra make money work in different ways, stand up for business ethics, have strong material ambitions, and love for luxury.
Vishakha Nakshatra 3rd Pada:
3rd Pada of Vishakha Nakshatra is ruled by Gemini Navamsa (Governed by Mercury).
The native born in the third pada of Vishakha Nakshatra is involved in changing family traditions and values, going against grains of expectations or family values, being creative with money, making money work in different ways, standing up for business ethics or changing them.
Those born in the third pada of Vishakha Nakshatra are bestowed with fame, long life, and happiness. They reap the good of all their jobs. They carry on trade and commerce.
Vishakha Nakshatra 4th Pada:
4th Pada of Vishakha Nakshatra is ruled by Cancer Navamsa (Governed by Moon).
The natives born in the fourth pada of Vishakha Nakshatra make their point or invoke change, digg deep for information, do whatever it takes to prove a point, are emotional, sensitive, and seek emotional extremes, changes, possess persuasive ability, and are talented at dealing with emotional baggage.
Those born in the fourth pada of Vishakha Nakshatra are givers, respected, always enjoying, religious, and endowed with children. They are endowed with gems.
Sun’s Ingress (Nov 6th – Nov 19th) for Vishakha Nakshatra
The Sun enters Vishakha Nakshatra on Nov 6th and remains there till Nov 19th.
If you are born during this period, your Sun is in Vishakha Nakshatra.
Thulasi Vivaha and Thripurari Pournima are celebrated during this period. Even Chathurmasa ends during this period.
On Thripurari Pournima, the demon Thripurasur was killed by Lord Shiva. On this day, 720 wicks are illuminated in temples. This is also called Dheva Diwali.
Thulasi Vivaha is performed during this period. One meaning of the word Vivaha is a type of wind. Therefore, this might indicate starting observation of winds suggested by Shree Varahamihira.
According to Varahamihira, the sky’s observation should start around this period for the next monsoon because the cloud formation starts around this time.
Tree of Vishakha: Vikantaka
The tree for Vishakha is Vikantaka.
This is also called the governor’s plum.
It is anti-malarial, anti-bacterial and anti-cancer.
The fruit is used to make jam and wine.
The bark is used as a tanning material.
Applications of Vikantaka
Vikantaka is effective in jaundice and liver disorders.
The leaves and roots are used to treat snakebite.
Roots are effective in colic.
The gum is effective in cholera.
It is also effective in throat infections and pneumonia.
It is even effective in nasal bleeding and other bleeding disorders.
Astronomical Information of Vishakha Nakshatra
Some astronomers consider 24 Librae as Yogathara of Vishakha, and other astronomers consider Alpha Li- brae as Yogathara. Here, Alpha Librae is considered because of the ecliptic latitude.
Alpha Librae is a double star. It can be occulted by the Moon and by other planets.
It is a white star considered hotter than average.



20°00" Libra (Tula) to 3°20" Scorpio (Vrshchika)
#Guru #Nakshatra #Vishakha #Indra #Agni #Shakragni
The 16th Nakshatra: VISHAKHA.
The four quarters are ruled by:
Mangala (Mars) - the 1st quarter,
Shukra (Venus) - the 2nd quarter,
Buddha (Mercury) - the 3rd quarter,
and Chandra (Moon) - the 4th quarter.

Other aspects of this Nakshatra:
The Purushartha (life's vector or motivation) is Dharma.
Totem animal is #Tiger (male).
Symbols: a potter's wheel or an archway.
Devata (Deity) - Shakragni (Indra and Agni).
Dosha - Kapha.

This is the 16th Nakshatra of the zodiac, spanning from 20°00' in Tula to 3°20' in Vrshchika. Hence its first three quarters fall in the sign Tula, while the last quarter falls in the sign Vrshchika. While the Nakshatra Vishakha is ruled by the wise planet Jupiter, Tula is ruled by Venus and Vrshchika is ruled by Mars. Guru (Jupiter) and Mangala (Mars) is a friendly combination, while Guru (Jupiter) and Shukra (Venus) belong to the opposite camps. As a result, while the last quarter of this Nakshatra brings to fore all the bright side of Guru (Jupiter) and Mangala (Mars), people born on in the first three quarters are more interested in the material pleasures.

Vishakha born have a well-proportioned body, but they tend to be obese and put on weight with the passing of age. Females born in this Nakshatra are beautiful and religious in nature. They need to have a well balanced diet and should exercise regularly to keep them fit.

These people are god fearing and like to be guided by truth. For those born in the first three quarters of Vishakha, balance is the nature of life, as they always try to avoid extremes. This is apparent in their religious beliefs as well, with these people neither being too dogmatic nor too advanced when it comes to religion. But those born in Vrshchika are very firm in their belief, rarely changing their views. But generally, a Vishakha born is secular in his or her religious beliefs.

A well placed Chandra (Moon) and Buddha (Mercury) make these people crowd pullers. Good Buddha (Mercury) also bestows them with good oratory skills. Females born in Vishakha have a sweet tongue and quiet diplomatic in their choice of words.

These people do not like the idea of working for others. They are better suited for independent businesses. Consultancy is a good profession for them, as these people possess the required skills for the same. A Vishakha born consultant, born in the Vrshchika will rarely reveal information about his clients to others. For this reason, they are also suited for jobs that involve high levels of responsibility.

These people normally enjoy good health. They are full of vigor and enthusiasm, often working long hours continuously. Because of their addiction to certain kinds of food and the tendency to neglect their health, they may suffer sudden attacks involving the nerves system.

Male Natives

  1. Physical Features: His face will be round, bright and physical appearance extremely attractive. We have noticed two types of physical appearance i.e. one with fatty and long structure and the other with very lean and short structure.

  2. Character and general events: He will have full of vigor and vitality as also intelligence of the highest order. He is firm believer of god and leads a life of truthful existence. He does not believe in the orthodox principles not the age old tradition. He is fond of adopting modern ideas.

Mostly he lives away from his family. He is ready to give weight to others in excess of what is actually required depending on the weight of the persons to whom he is dealing in. Slavery is suicidal for him. While he is very much religiously active, he does not follow any superstitious religious fanaticism. He treats all religions, castes and creed as one. He is a follower of Gandhian philosophy of 'Ahimsa Paramodharma' (Religion is non-violence or The most preferable and auspicious Dharma is non-violence) and 'Truth is God'. In certain cases I have seen that such type of persons accept Sanyasa (saintism) when they touch 35 years of age. When we sanyasa it does not mean that complete detraction from the 'Grihastashram' (duty towards the family). He will simultaneously look after the family and follow sanyasa.

  1. Education, sources of earning/profession: He is a very good orator and has the capacity to attract crowd. He will win several prizes in elocution competition. Hence he is the fittest person to be in the political circle. There is a peculiar spending tendency in him. While on the one side he is very stingy on the spending on the other side he is extravagant in the spending where it is not required.

He is fit for doing an independent business, job involving high responsibility, banking and religious professions, mathematician or a teacher or a printer.

  1. Family life: He cannot enjoy love and affection of mother. One of the primary reasons for such lack of care may either due to mother's death or unavoidable circumstances and atmosphere which warrant his mother to be away from the native. There may be several beneficial points of his father with which he can always be proud of. Even then, not much help will be derived from his father also. In other words, we have to come to a conclusion that the native leads more or less a life of an orphan. There may be a lot of difference of opinion between his father and him on several points where an amicable settlement on any matter may not be possible. It is due to these reasons he is right from the childhood a hardworking and self made person.

He loves his wife and children very much. Even so, he has two bad qualities. One is that he is addicted to alcohol and another is that he indulges in too much sex with other ladies. In spite of these weaknesses he will not make this weaknesses as hindrance either in the family or social life.

  1. Health: Since has has inherent vigor and vitality given by the god, his health will normally be very good. However, he is prone to paralytic attack. I have in more than 70 percent of Vishakha born people noticed this paralytic attack after the age of 55 years. In the remaining 30 percent cases, I have every doubt that the native could not provide me the correct birth time as otherwise the same symptom of paralytic attack would have in one form or the other present in them. It is also seen that they are prone to asthmatic attack.

Female Natives

Females born in this Nakshatra will enjoy more or less the same results mentioned for the male natives and in addition they will enjoy the following results:

  1. Physical features: Her features extremely beautiful. This inherent godly gift of attractive physical features normally attract the men folk and she has to face lot of problems on this account.

  2. Character and general events: She has a very sweet tongue. She is expert in the household activities and if employed in the official activities also. Arrogance is very rarely noticed in these females. She does not believe in pomp and show and she is very simple. She does not like to increase her beauty by make up. She is subject to jealousy of other female friends and relatives. She is a firm believer of religious principles and quite often observe fast and perform poojas and visit holy places frequently.

  3. Education, sources of earning/profession: She is interested in poetry. If there are other good planetary combinations, particularly when Moon and Venus are together, she may become a famous writer. She will have academic excellence in arts or literature.

  4. Family life: She treats her husband as her god. Her religious attitude will confer love and affection from her in-laws. As she looks after the welfare of all family members and even distant relations, she will have power and authority conferred on her. She will have more attachment to her father-in-law. She may frequently be visiting sacred places.

  5. Health: She will generally have good health. However, she is prone to kidney trouble, goiter and weakness due to homo-sexuality.


#Vishakha #Nakshatra (also known as Visaakam in Tamil and Visaakam in Malayalam) is extended from 20.00 degrees Libra to 03.20 degrees in Scorpio. #Jupiter is Dasha ruler and #Shakragni is considered deity of this birth star. Vishakha is the 16th among the 27 Nakshatras
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You may acquire academic and spiritual knowledge from your teachers, elders and father. You will learn spiritual lessons from children. Spiritual or religious principles or practices soothe your heart and give you comfort. You have highly developed insight or intuitive power. You have strong feelings for religious and cultural traditions. You achieve success through your positive attitude. You are honorable and you respect the traditional religion.

Your possessions are likely to have a somewhat flexible or changeable nature. You may have items that are of a playful nature, or relate to communication. Property, land or real estate, will come easily to you and you will enjoy basic comforts all your life. You will be fortunate and gain possession of good property, real-estate or land as well as vehicles.