

If you would like to identify my profile image,
but have not done it yet, here are the data:
“Moonlit Night” by Shiro Kasamatsu, 1958, Unsodo (Grund U-88,
www.hanga.com ).

There are more photos of Shiro Kasamatsu woodblock prints
on diaspora*.

Let me now introduce yet another,
“Spring at the Moat” by Shiro Kasamatsu, 1957, Unsodo (Grund U-86,
www.hanga.com ):


To slightly complicate the post,
here is a version of “The Beautiful Swan” from
William Nicholson’s and Arthur Waugh’s “Square Book of Animals”
( https://archive.org/details/nicsqua ):

The Beautiful Swan

As far as I can tell, this may be the first presentation
of William Nicholson on diaspora*. Here is his English
wikipedia page:
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/William_Nicholson_(artist) ,
and here – a biggish collection of photos of his more
substantial work:
https://artuk.org/discover/artworks/search/actor:nicholson-william-18721949# .

Arthur Waugh ( https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Arthur_Waugh )
was the father of Evelyn Waugh.

#arthurwaugh #evelynwaugh #shinhanga #shirokasamatsu
#unsodo #u-86 #u-88 #williamnicholson