

Today is the #WinterSolstice in the northern half of the planet. It will occur in just over an hour’s time at 09:20Z, marking the start of #Winter, accompanied by the #LongestNight. Meanwhile, the other side of the #Earth is half a year out of phase and will mark the start of #Summer on their #SummerSolstice and the #LongestDay. By coincidence, the Earth is near #Perigee at this time of year, being its closest to the #Sun. in its very slightly #EllipticalOrbit. Actual pergee will occur on 4 January 2025.



https://sfba.social/@NorcalGma2/113420677046476887 NorcalGma2@sfba.social - Summer loves the sun.
This warm afternoon is a total surprise.
Summer is not one to waste a perfect moment to connect with her inner self and meditate. She could attain total mindfulness any minute.
Just breathin and chillin herself to a state of total relaxation and zero anxiety.
I need to be more like Summer.
#Summer #DogsOfMastodon


Wind in den Bäumen, Rauch über anderen Gärten. An der großen Haltestelle nebenan scharen sich ausgehfertig gekleidete Teenager, füllen Busse und Bahnen, bewegen sich etappenweise stadtwärts auf dem Weg in den Abend, der noch so viel Sommer birgt und trotzdem dem Herbst so nah ist. Längst verschwand die Sonne hinter dichten Konturen des Parks. Fledermäuse segeln als dunkle Schemen über den Wiesen. In diesem Moment spielt die Musik nur im Inneren, und ihre Tonart ist schwer zu greifen.

#outerworld #concrete_city #later_that_day_later_that_night #summer_moved_on

#concrete city #later that day later that night #summer moved on


This is the last week of #summer but today is hot and #sunny and so the #pollinators are out doing their thing before it gets to damp and dark and the #flowers wither away. In the front #garden, one of the #plants attracts a lot of #bees and #hoverflies. Here are some pictures I took with my #camera using a #MacroLens.

I'm not sure whether this is a #Bee or a #HoverFly.
Bee on yellow flower

You can see the #PollenSacs on this #Bee.
Bee with pollen sacs

Bee on yellow flower

Bee on yellow flower

Bee on yellow flower

Bee on yellow flower

Bee on yellow flower

Bee on yellow flower

Bee on yellow flower

Bee on yellow flower

Bee on yellow flower

Bee on yellow flower

Bee on yellow flower

Bee on yellow flower

Bee on yellow flower

#MyWork #MyPhoto #CCBYSA #DSLR #Nikon #D7000 #Macro #Horticulture


As #summer is coming to and we're heading towards #autumn, the #garden is bearing some #fruit which add #colour to the surroundings.

This #squash is about 25 cm long and has turned a very nice #orange #hue.
Squash ripening to orange

These #green #grapes are nearly ripe and the #Vine #Leaves are also used in #cooking.
Green grapes

These #blackberries are at various stages of ripeness.
Unripe and ripe blackberries

Here are some #cattle resting in the garden. Just kidding! That's from my recent trip to #Dartmoor and have nothing to do with me except that I photographed them.
Cattle in Dartmoor

#MyWork #MyPhoto #CCBYSA #DSLR #Nikon #D7000