

It's time to say, "No!" to Apple's use of slave labor

#politics #Apple #SlaveLabor #SteveJobs #Uyghurs #Forced-Labour #SumOfUs

*"SumOfUs members have put the world’s most valuable company on notice. Again.

At Friday’s AGM, 34% Apple investors defied the company’s instructions and voted for our shareholder proposal on forced labor. Even the world’s largest sovereign wealth fund -- Norway's, at $1.3 trillion -- voted with us.

It’s a vote tally that sends a clear message to Apple bosses that they have to take serious steps to protect the workers in its supply chain who make components for your iPhone and MacBook.

Just two years ago our proposal secured 40% investor support and a few months later Apple published its first ever human rights policy.

Now, it has to live up to its promises on forced labor.

We were everywhere Apple bosses turned during their big week. Two days before the AGM, we released a video of real Apple customers reacting to the news that Apple products are implicated in forced labor, that was seen a staggering 841 thousand times in total.

But we didn’t give Tim Cook a break. On the day of the AGM we installed a mock Uyghur forced labor camp right outside Apple’s flagship Washington DC store.

The AGM itself was via video conference, so no trip to California this year! The SumOfUs member proposal was presented at the meeting by our friend Zumretay from World Uyghur Congress.

Seven SumOfUs members came together to take action after reports of instances of forced labor surfaced.

After they filed the resolution, Apple exces tried and failed to stop investors from discussing it. But it still got support from Norway’s $1.3tn wealth fund, and backing from influential corporate governance advisors, ISS.

And with over a third of investors supporting us, Apple knows it needs to show real action to avoid a huge backlash before the next AGM rolls around.

Anthropologist Margaret Mead is often quoted as saying, never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world.

You could be the next person to drive corporate change for a better world.

Thanks for all that you do,
Sondhya, Vicky and the team at SumOfUs"*


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