

Sysad.org seems to be the new NaturalNews disinformation / troll home

If you've seen a recent follow from 999999999@sysad.org, this is a "glue" account that has been trying to reconnect numerous propaganda, disinformation, spam, and troll accounts that were formerly on share.naturalnews.com, which seems to have gone offline as of late August.

From 9's profile page:

We switched D* pods cos the Natural News host server crashed and we jumped over to SysAd on September 5th, 2021. Thanks for having us. Looking forward to interacting here. Cheers!!

I don't have a pod admin contact for Sysad.org, and there's none listed on the site's inforamational page: https://sysad.org/

Pod stats list just under 1,000 montly active users (MAU), and open registrations: https://sysad.org/statistics


  • Block 999999999@sysad.org This will prevent it from commenting on your own posts.
  • Monitor the profile's posts. It's likely new migratees will comment, like, or reshare these.
  • Get ready to start blocking more sysad.org profiles and deleting comments to your posts.

I'm not convinced Sysad is fully black hat, but it's quite clearly poorly administered. Site-level blocks may be justified if that trend continues.

And if the sysad.org podmin is reading this: Put up some contact information so you can be informed directly of abuse. For your own sake and that of legitimate and good-faith users of your system. Thanks, both from me an on their behalf.

#blocklist #theblocklist #ignorelist #podmin #antivax #CovidDisinfo #NaturalNews #SysadOrg