

Tit for Tat Trash Diplomacy

#Tit for #Tat #Trash #Diplomacy #North #Korea #South #Korea

"North Korea and South Korea

So, South Korea decides to send big balloons across the border, filled with leaflets, drives with movies calling for rebellion, and other provocative type material.

North Korea considered this trash.

Tit for Tat, they send hundreds of big balloons filled with real trash across the border.

About 600 more balloons carrying debris have flown from the DPRK to South Korea since the evening of 1 June, Yonhap reported."



#Neues aus dem #Spamordner

Man soll ja jeden #Tag eine gute #Tat tun und wenn möglich einer alten #Dame helfen. Und #Bingo :-), schon habe ich die Möglichkeit.

Die arme #Witwe von #Gaddafi muss dringend 18 000 000 #Dollar in Sicherheit bringen und ich, ja da staunt ihr, ich soll ihr dabei helfen!

Dies mache ich natürlich gerne da die gute #Frau sich im Moment nur noch mit 80 000 000 #Dollar so gerade eben über #Wasser halten kann.

GREETINGS, I am Safia Farkash Gaddafi, The wife of the killed Libyan Ruler Muammar Gaddafi.
I need you to ASSIST me Receive the SUM of (U.S.$18Million) (Eighteen Million USD) kept in Security Company in South Africa.

See below publication. http://www.newvision.co.ug/news/643592-libya-seeks-to-recover-gaddafi-assets-in-s-africa.html



i will give you more details when i hear from you

MY DIRECT EMAIL ADDRESS IS (safiyagaddhafilb@gmail.com) kindly contact me as quickly as possible

Yours, Sincerely

Mrs. Safia Farkash Gaddafi

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