

A few weeks ago the British Government thought it would be a great idea to create a migrant invasion into the small North #Cornwall town of #Tintagel.

Their cunning plan was to offer to pay us a VAST sum of money to put up hundreds of illegal migrants at the Luxury Camelot Castle Hotel.

They wanted us to fire 90% of the staff ( and use private catering contractors) and would pay for any damage done by the migrants to the Historic Building. Camelot Castle is deeply connected with Britains Heritage. It sits at the Birthplace of King Arthur.

We immediately saw that this would destroy the local economy local jobs and the local community and so told the government representatives to take a running jump.

In hindsight if YOU think we made the right decision. Please share this to warn other communities what might happen to them.

We are having the busiest summer EVER at Camelot Castle history and the local village is booming.

Come and see us soon, say Hello and make a special wish for your Freedom at the Round Table.