

St #Ailbe is associated with the founding of a monastery in #Emly in Co #Tipperary and he is the patron saint of the Archdiocese of #Cashel and Emly which was the premier diocese in the south of #Ireland up until the Middle Ages; Emly remained a cathedral city until the 16th century.
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The Latinised version of ‘Ailbe’ is ‘Elvis’. The king of rock and roll was called after an Irish saint…


Baurnadomeeny, Wedge Tomb, Co. Tipperary. [+]

Location – Just North of Rear Cross, it’s signposted and is a field in from the road.
OS: R 846 601 (map 59)
Longitude: 8° 13' 40.03" W
Latitude: 52° 41' 30.83" N
See map at the bottom of the page.

Description and History – This ranks amongst one of my favourite sites in the country and I can’t understand why this is not a much more visited site and much more looked after. It’s not neglected by any means but could do with a little care and attention. Again connected with Diarmuid and Grainne this tomb appears to have multiple alignments with different chambers aligned with different important sunrises. The tomb is surrounded by a double kerb, 16m and 11m in diameter respectively. The outer kerb is a largest but no stones stand above 1m in height. The tomb is very long, roughly 5m long with a septal stone creating the portico and main chamber. The capstone at the front appears to be carved on the inside to create a small channel. I wonder if this allows the sun to flow into the chamber. There are also some small carvings, of no particular pattern, on some of the inner stones, but I have not been successful in locating these. Some cairn material remains on top. This is a fantastically preserved tomb and really well worth traversing the muddy field to get there.

#Tipperary #Ireland #Stones #tomb #chamber #history @ramnath@nerdpol.ch ,@108madhuri@nerdpol.ch @Leyline