

Everything is working exactly according to plan

'Disaster for Millions of Kids' Looms as GOP Obstruction Threatens School Meal Programs

In fewer than 30 days, a slew of federal waivers that have enabled schools across the United States to provide free breakfast and lunch to students during the coronavirus pandemic are set to expire, potentially leaving millions of children without easy access to critical meals.

And to the dismay of advocates, Congress... doesn't appear poised to act.

Why should they act? Republicans in Congress need children to starve. And those who don't starve should (a) be ignorant, (b) be grateful (to the republicans) that they didn't starve, and (c) blame those who did.

Remember the conservative mantra: Keep them poor, afraid, sick, and ignorant, and control the women.

The GOP is a threat to every person and other living thing on Earth.

#Shameless #RealAndPresentDanger #GOP #Fascism #Capitalism #UnfetteredCapitalism
