

just a funny retrospective memory...

Way back then, in the early to midst 1990ies, i had some #shell account on some random #bsd system out there in hamburg/germany, on the local telephone lines...

Additionally, i had the luxury of using a local "behördennetz" (governemt network) phone, which gave me access to local calls free of charge..

So i actually sat down, for some few days on end... to list up the contents of /bin, /sbin, /usr/bin and /usr/sbin, reading the #man #page for each and every command available in there...

Did i ever mention that i love #unices and the fact they won over the world overall? ;)

#retro #unix #retrospecive #unices #retrocomputing #RandomShit ;)


I think this needs to be said from time to time.

I love it that unices overall made the great and won to rule the online world in all it's facettes. ;)

Linux, BSD*, IOS/OSX(, QNX).. Whenever you go online, it is pretty sure, that at least one of them, if not more, are involved.

Regardless of what you actually do.

I just love it. ;)

#Unix #Linux #BSD #Unices #RandomShit ;)