

Antroposophen/Waldorfklüngel wieder verlässlich kryptofa:

Waldorfschule verbrennt Gay-"Bösewicht"

Die Waldorfschule Itzehoe sorgt mit einer queerfeindlichen Aktion für Kopfschütteln: Auf einem Herbstfest wird vor Schüler*innen ein Drachen verbrannt, der als "gay" markiert wurde.


#waldorf #queer #queerfeindlich #gay


The Synthulator..... An Open Source DSP Chip project to keep synths alive

Project to emulate the Motorola 563xx DSP chipset (new contributors welcome).
The chief goal of the project is to be able to keep numerous past synthesizers based on the chip alive. These include:
Waldorf MW2/XT — Motorola 56303
Waldorf Q — Motorola 56303
Clavia Micro Modular — Motorola 56303
Clavia Nord Modular — Motorola 56303
Nord Lead 3 — 6 Motorola 56362
Nord Modular — 4 Motorola 56303
Novation SuperNova — Motorola 56303
Novation Nova — 5 Motorola 56362 (synth engine), and 1 Motorola 56303 (fx unit)
Access Virus A — Motorola 56303
Access Virus B — Motorola 56311
Access Virus C - Motorola 56362
Access Virus TI - 2x Freescale DSP 56367
Access Virus TI2 - 2x Freescale DSP 56367. Later models used DSP56321

EPROMs for (at least) most of the above can be found here:

The Discord channel for the project can be found here:

Image featured above is of a GUI made by "Hoverland" for controlling the Virus C on the Emulator.

#DSP #Synthesis #Motorola #Waldorf #Novation #Access #Clavia #Synthesizers #NoiseArchitecture #OSS #OpenSource #FOSS #FLOSS #Programming #ArtHarder