#KILL #GATES: Dead Presidents, Globalist #Warlords And Vaxx #Genocide
#KILL #GATES: Dead Presidents, Globalist #Warlords And Vaxx #Genocide
Seit der Machtübernahme 2021 stehen die Islamisten unter Druck: Die Terrororganisation IS verübt regelmäßig Anschläge. Nun formiert sich weiterer Widerstand.#Afghanistan #Widerstandsrat #Warlords #Kriegsherren #Exilopposition #Bürgerkrieg #AbdulRaschidDostum
Ex-Warlords machen gegen Taliban mobil | DW | 19.05.2022
" #Kabul has ‘fallen’ like #Saigon ‘fell’ - the US has been forced out of another #nation where it #massacred and #profited. Then, as now, the real #terrorist is not the #Taliban. Here’s my #2003 #film, ’ #BreakingTheSilence', filmed in #Afghanistan and the #US." #JohnPilger
#pilger #truth #lies #war #terror #documentary #hypocrisy #gwbush #tonyblair #alqaeda #warlords #humanrights #media #deception #agression #mass #destruction #political #games #oil #full-spectrum-dominance #school-of-americas #terrorism #guantanamobay