

Merkel zu Afghanistan-Abzug: Es war ein furchtbares Scheitern

Afghanistan-Abzug - Merkel: Es war ein furchtbares Scheitern

Merkel war die letzte Zeugin im Untersuchungsausschuss zum überstürzten Abzug aus Afghanistan 2021. Der Versuch, das Land zu demokratisieren, sei gescheitert.#Abzug #Taliban #USA #MERKEL
Merkel zu Afghanistan-Abzug: Es war ein furchtbares Scheitern


Ban Images of "Living Things"

So no TV at all. No photos taken with microscopes of bacteria. No photos of any land not utterly barren. No photos of the sky with passing birds or insects. No Internet because of the ubiquitous cats. Seems simpler to ban all photos.


Originally posted by the Voice of America.
Voice of America content is produced by the Voice of America,
a United States federal government-sponsored entity, and is in
the public domain.

Afghan Taliban vow to implement media ban on images of living things

by Agence France-Presse

Kabul --

Afghanistan's Taliban morality ministry pledged Monday to implement a
law banning news media from publishing images of all living things,
with journalists told the rule will be gradually enforced.

"The law applies to all Afghanistan... and it will be implemented
gradually" by persuading people images of living things are against
Islamic law, spokesman for the Ministry for the Propagation of Virtue
and the Prevention of Vice Saiful Islam Khyber told AFP.

The Taliban government judiciary recently announced legislation
formalising their strict interpretations of Islamic law imposed by the
authorities since they swept to power in 2021.

The law detailed several rules for news media, including banning the
publication of images of all living things and ordering outlets not to
mock or humiliate Islam, or contradict Islamic law.

Aspects of the new law have not yet been strictly enforced, however,
and Taliban officials continue to regularly post photos of people on
social media.

Television and pictures of living things were banned across the country
under the previous Taliban rule from 1996 to 2001, but a similar edict
has so far not been broadly imposed since their return to power.

#afghan-taliban #taliban #afghanistan #images #photographs #television #movies #motion-pictures #videos #internet #morality



Originally posted by the Voice of America.
Voice of America content is produced by the Voice of America,
a United States federal government-sponsored entity, and is in
the public domain.

Envoy: 'Russian leadership' decides to delist Taliban as terrorist group

by Ayaz Gul


Russia reported Friday that a "principal decision" had already been
made to remove Afghanistan's ruling Taliban from Moscow's list of
terrorist organizations.

Zamir Kabulov, the Russian presidential envoy for the South Asian
nation, was quoted by state-run TASS news agency as saying that the
foreign ministry and national security agencies "are putting finishing
legal touches" on the Taliban's delisting in line with federal laws.

"A principal decision on this has already been made by the Russian
leadership," said Kabulov. "Hopefully, the final decision will be
announced soon."

The remarks were reported on the same day that Moscow hosted a
conference of regional countries to discuss Afghanistan, with Russian
Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov presiding over the proceedings.

Lavrov later held bilateral talks with Taliban Foreign Minister Amir
Khan Muttaqi, who led his delegation at Friday's multilateral event in
the Russian capital, organized under the Moscow Format platform.

"We firmly believe in the importance of maintaining a pragmatic
dialogue with the current Afghan government," Lavrov said in his
inaugural speech to delegates from countries such as China, India,
Iran, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Pakistan, and Uzbekistan.

"Moscow will continue to develop political, trade, and economic ties
with Kabul," Lavrov pledged.

Russia launched the Moscow Format in 2017 and it has since become a
regular platform for discussing challenges facing impoverished,
war-torn Afghanistan.

Muttaqi, in his broadcast address to Friday's gathering, welcomed
Kazakhstan and Kyrgyzstan's recent announcements that they will remove
the Taliban from their lists of outlawed groups.

"We also appreciate the positive remarks [made] by the high-ranking
officials of the Russian Federation in this regard and hope to see more
effective steps soon," said the Taliban chief diplomat.

Russia's involvement in Afghanistan has been tumultuous. The Soviet
army entered the country in 1979 to help a pro-Moscow government in
Kabul but pulled out a decade later due to heavy losses inflicted by
U.S.-backed Afghan insurgents, or mujahideen.

Moscow has developed close informal ties with the Taliban since they
regained power in Afghanistan three years ago after the United States
and NATO forces withdrew ending 20 years of war.

President Vladimir Putin stated in July that Russia considered the
Taliban an ally in the fight against terrorism. The former Afghan
insurgent group has been on the Russian list of terrorist organizations
since 2003.

Russian Foreign Minister Lavrov praised the Taliban for combating
narcotics in Afghanistan and fighting a regional Islamic State
affiliate known as IS-Khorasan (IS-K).

"We support the Afghan authorities' resolve to combat the terrorist
threat," he told the conference Friday.

Muttaqi called on all regional countries "to cooperate in preventing
the recruitment of their citizens by ISIS and then send them to
Afghanistan and other countries to carry out subversive operations." He
used an acronym for IS-K, which the United Nations describes as the
most significant terrorist regional threat emanating from Afghan soil.

The Taliban foreign minister did not name any country, but Kabul
formally alleged last week that the terrorist group is orchestrating
attacks from bases in Pakistan, charges officials in Islamabad have
refuted as unfounded.

No country has officially recognized the de facto Taliban government,
although China and the United Arab Emirates have formally accepted
Taliban-appointed ambassadors.

Washington remains opposed to any step toward easing sanctions or
moving toward recognition of the Taliban as Afghanistan's rightful
government, saying Kabul must improve its human rights record to win
international legitimacy and support.

"We will look for interest in any outcomes and deliverables from the
upcoming Moscow Format meeting, but we do not participate," Karen
Decker, the head of the Doha-based U.S. diplomatic mission for
Afghanistan, told reporters Thursday.

The U.S. has never attended a Moscow Format meeting because it is seen
as a regional conversation, said Decker, who has also been tasked with
overseeing Afghan diplomacy.

#russia #afghanistan #taliban #terrorists #terrorism #terrorist #putin #moscow-format #lavrov #is-k


29.09.2024 Volksvermögen verschenkt

Faktencheck zum Afghanistaneinsatz

Der republikanische Präsidentschaftskandidat Donald Trump hat den Demokraten kürzlich vorgeworfen nach dem Abzug des US Militärs den Taliban in Afghanistan Ausrüstung im Wert von 85 Milliarden US Dollar geschenkt zu haben. Recht hat er mit der Aussage, dass es sich um Steuergeld der US Bürger handelt. Doch die Faktenchecker von Correctiv weisen im verlinkten Artikel nach, dass die Summe von 85 Milliarden nicht stimmt.

Damit haben sie sicher recht, doch decken sie nebenbei auf, dass

  • in Afghanistan über 20 Jahre um die 89 Milliarden US-Dollar für „Sicherheit“ ausgegeben wurden (Sigar-Bericht),
  • zum Zeitpunkt des Abzug befand sich Ausrüstung im Wert von 7,12 Milliarden US-Dollar im Inventar der ehemaligen afghanischen Regierung,
  • von 2002 bis zum Abzug wurden um die 145 Milliarden US-Dollar für den Wiederaufbau und damit verbundene Aktivitäten in Afghanistan bereitgestellt (inkl. der 89 Milliarden für Waffen),
  • es wurden mindestens 316.000 Waffen hinterlassen, um die 43.000 Bodenfahrzeuge, darunter, wie CNN berichtet, 12.000 Humvees,
  • nahezu die gesamte Kommunikationsausrüstung sowie spezielle Ausrüstung wie „Nachtsicht-, Überwachungs-, Biometrie- und Ortungsgeräte“ zurückgelassen wurden.

Auch wenn man in Summe nicht auf die von Trump behaupteten 85 Milliarden kommt, so konnten die Taliban mit dieser Grundausrüstung ihr Repressionsregime gut starten. Und den Menschen in den USA fehl(t)en in jedem Fall die vergeudeten 145 Milliarden US Dollar für Soziales, wie Gesundheit, Bildung und Infrastruktur. Die Quellenangaben sind im verlinkten Artikel zu finden - man sollte auchh alle anderen Auslandseinsätze des US Militärs und seine Kosten so genau unter die Lupe nehmen. Für die Bundeswehr haben wir dies bereits vor Jahren gefordert ( Zügig eigene Kriege aufarbeiten und We came, we shot, we lost ).

Mehr dazu bei https://correctiv.org/faktencheck/2024/09/27/afghanistan-usa-hinterliessen-militaerische-ausruestung-aber-nicht-im-wert-von-85-milliarden-dollar/
Kategorie[21]: Unsere Themen in der Presse Short-Link dieser Seite: a-fsa.de/d/3D1
Link zu dieser Seite: https://www.aktion-freiheitstattangst.org/de/articles/8917-20240929-volksvermoegen-verschenkt.html
Link im Tor-Netzwerk: http://a6pdp5vmmw4zm5tifrc3qo2pyz7mvnk4zzimpesnckvzinubzmioddad.onion/de/articles/8917-20240929-volksvermoegen-verschenkt.html
Tags: #Taliban #Afghanistan #Rückzug #NATO #USA #Kosten #Faktencheck #Corrrectiv #Grundrechte #Menschenrechte #SchuleohneMilitär #Atomwaffen #Militär #Bundeswehr #Aufrüstung #Trump #Waffenexporte #Drohnen #Frieden #Krieg #Friedenserziehung #Menschenrechte #Zivilklauseln


Kommentar zu Afghanistan-Abschiebungen: viel Symbolpolitik

Kommentar - Afghanistan-Abschiebungen: Symbolpolitik vor den Wahlen

Die Abschiebung von Straftätern nach Afghanistan kritisiert Jörg Münchenberg in seinem Kommentar als Symbolpolitik. Politische Härte allein greife zu kurz.#Straftäter #AnschlagvonSolingen #Migrationsdebatte #Abschiebeflug #AFGHANISTAN #Taliban
Kommentar zu Afghanistan-Abschiebungen: viel Symbolpolitik


#politik #krieg #terror #zivilbevölkerung #kollateralschäden #entmenschlichung #rassismus #taliban #afghanistan #usa #israel #gaza

Erkenne das Muster:

"In Kabul sind heute nicht nur irgendwelche Extremisten an der Macht. Es sind Männer, die in den letzten zwanzig Jahren im Zuge des »War on Terror« der Amerikaner regelmäßig für tot erklärt wurden, etwa nach Drohnenangriffen und nächtlichen Razzien, die stets als »präzise« gelobt wurden. Während die gejagten Taliban-Köpfe fast nie getroffen wurden, radikalisierten sich ganze Dörfer aufgrund der zivilen Opfer und schlossen sich den Extremisten an."


For Afghan Women, Singing is Resistance


Here we are, the women, the world,
Singing freedom like a bird
Rise up, my people,
Rise up, my friend.
Their boots might be on my neck.
Or their fists to my face.
But with our deep light inside
I will fight through this night.\
This is what I woke up to this morning. It has remained in my mind, repeating all day. The Taliban have recently issued a new law banning women from singing in public or letting their voices be heard outside the house. In response, Afghan women have been singing this song and other songs and posting videos of it on social media.

#human-rights #human-rights-watch #hrw #afghanistan #women #taliban #womens-rights #freedom #liberty #song #singing #resistance


weniger tugend

das ist mal wieder echter #qualitätsjournalismus, diesmal von der zeit-online. wir wussten ja alle schon, dass die taliban unmoralisch sind, aber dass sie die tugend ganz verbieten wollen und dass heldenhafte frauen in dem land dagegen protestieren, das wusste ich bisher nicht.

ist das die berühmte ki-benutzung? oder wieder nur der normale journalistische wahn, dinge zerstörerisch zu verkürzen?

#medien #internet #zeit #zeit-online #afghanistan #taliban



Zeino (KAS) zu Afghanistan-Abzug: Dialog ins Land offenhalten

Nach Afghanistan-Abzug - Zeino (KAS): Wir müssen den Dialog ins Land offenhalten

Ellinor Zeino von der Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung übt Kritik am Aufnahmeprogramm für gefährdete Afghanen. Deutschland habe damit zu hohe Erwartungen erzeugt.#AFGHANISTAN #Taliban #Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung #AufnahmeprogrammfürbesondersgefährdeteAfghanen
Zeino (KAS) zu Afghanistan-Abzug: Dialog ins Land offenhalten