


#propeace #pivottopeace
#holdleaderstoaccount #holdrepresentativestoaccount

#warisnottheanswer #imperialismisnottheanswer #downwithimperialism

#keeptheamericanpeopleoutofpolitics #americanisolationism #americaninsularity #americanignorance #humansuffering #hegemony #puppetgovernment #hubris #whenyoudontholdleaderstoaccount #endlesswar #mccarthyism #neomccarthyism #unipolarworld #PNAC

#vietnam #iraq #afghanistan
#alessonunlearned #lessonsunlearned
#libya #syria
#ukraine #taiwan

#beyondappearances #peoplearegood


bonus, to add more context:


#projectbluebeam #fakealieninvasion

shows the continued lack of respect for truth, for you, for reality.

they want a common enemy, a flase flag event, to terrorise everybody united against a common enemy? if they keep doing these sort of things, they'll make themselves that. a small part of me satirically quips "carry on", as if wanting them to shoot themselves in the foot in that ultimate way. a much larger part of me thinks, we've no need for this. we can transcend their bullcrap, obsolete their paradigm, their philosophy, their poisonous paternalism.