

✨ Single Finance - profitable investments for you

πŸ’« Single Finance β€” the platform for all your DeFi investments, minimizing correlation with the overall market on the Cronos blockchain

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πŸ”Ή XP NETWORK Bridge ETH - platform with NFT market

πŸ”· XP NETWORK Bridge ETH creates software tools that allow you to move your assets seamlessly and intuitively on Ethereum

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✨ RimSwap - an exchange with various features

πŸ”„ RimSwap β€” one of the first automated market maker (AMM) decentralized exchanges (DEX), built on the Oasis Emerald network.

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πŸ”Ά PISTON TOKEN - network with earnings through the game

πŸ”₯ PISTON TOKEN β€” a decentralized financial payment network that rebuilds the traditional payment stack on the Binance blockchain.

#dapp #nft #collectibles #eth #blockchaindevelopers #cryptotrading #ethereum #binance #bsc #polygon #game #matic

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🌐 MAHADAO - an autonomous organization at Polygon

🟣 MahaDAO β€” a community-based organization, dedicated to helping billions of people to maintain their purchasing power.

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🌚 Matic Moon - highly profitable investment

✨ Matic Moon β€” a high return investment program, which is designed for the Polygon community. Use profitable plans for earning.

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πŸ’  Crystl Finance - protocol with rewards

🌐 Crystl Finance β€” the first yield maximization tool on Cronos and Polygon. Discover the maximum passive income!

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🐦 Fancybirds - NFTs with personality traits

🟣 Fancybirds β€” the first of many games to be launched by FancyDAO on the blockchain. Each NFT will be useful in the mini-game ecosystem.

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