nytimes August 2, 2021 10:01am The 25 Most Significant Works of Postwar Architecture #architecture #historicbuildingsandsites #design #aaltoalvar #barraganluis #bobardilina #lecorbusier #luwenyu #miesvanderroheludwig #rogersrichard #perriandcharlotte #pianorenzo #wangshu #williamsamanda1974 #zumthorpeter #artanddesign #news The 25 Most Significant Works of Postwar Architecture Three architects, three journalists and two designers gathered over Zoom to make a list of the most influential and lasting buildings that have been erected — or cleverly updated — since World War II. Here are the results.
nytimes May 22, 2021 6:00am Venice Honors Lina Bo Bardi With a Golden Lion in Memoriam. Finalmente, Many Say. #architecture #contenttypepersonalprofile #venicearchitecturebiennale #awardsdecorationsandhonors #bobardilina #goldenlion #saopaulobrazil #brazil #news Venice Honors Lina Bo Bardi With a Golden Lion in Memoriam. Finalmente, Many Say. The multitalented 20th-century architect’s work is especially pertinent to our times, and to the theme of a pandemic biennale, its curator says.