

"Fiddled while #Rome burned," not much changes, feels like we're living through the#fall of Rome all over again. Though in his defense, I do the same myself, music soothes my soul while watching the world burn.

Gonna make the Smart connection with your thread Norman because I do feel that's a part of it too - Smart/Kill Cities. #Smart everything right, from cities to #water. Btw, stock up on incandescent bulbs while you can, they've been outlawed and will be hard to find very soon. Watch this little experiment on a bottle of Smart Water from #Coca-Cola, looks to be #graphene infused:

Source: https://www.bitchute.com/video/dIUs9anyC1jiSee less

The Co #caCo la Company Sells Graphene Infused #Toxic Water, Here is #Proof