

Ces gens sont complètement fous, inconscients, comme ce qu'ils font est compliqué à comprendre, que la plupart des gouvernants n'y comprennent rien du tout, et qu'ils se foutent totalement de la santé humaine et de l'équilibre naturel, et que d'énormes lobbys sont derrière, ils ont a peu près carte blanche pour nous balancer plein de merdes. Et tout ceci a commencé il y a bien longtemps. L'empoisonnement des humains et de toute la #nature n'est pas près de s'arrêter.

#2020 - 3D #Graphene Oxide #Nanoparticles for #CloudSeeding Patent

3d reduced graphene oxide/sio 2 composite for ice nucleation:

#nano #clouds #wheathermodification


Graphene as a semiconductor? I thought it was impossible to turn graphene into a semiconductor because it doesn't have a big enough band gap. But researchers have developed a technique for combining graphene with silicon carbide. The graphene has better heat dissipation at higher density than silicon.

I'll have a closer look at this at some unspecified time in the future, but for now I'll give you all this quick overview from Sabine Hossenfelder.

This new semiconductor could revolutionize computing - Sabine Hossenfelder

#solidstatelife #semiconductors #graphene



#GRAPHENE #666 The Untold Story by #RussBrown Reports. The #Dark #Agenda of the #Graphene #War

GRAPHENE 666 The Untold Story by Russ Brown Reports. The Dark Agenda of the Graphene War

GRAPHENE 666 The Untold Story by Russ Brown Reports. The Dark Agenda of the Graphene War - Repost From 2001 Russ Brown Reports - FAIR USE FOR EDUCATIONAL PURPOSES - Mirrored From: https://www.bitchute.com/channel/mattyd74/


"Fiddled while #Rome burned," not much changes, feels like we're living through the#fall of Rome all over again. Though in his defense, I do the same myself, music soothes my soul while watching the world burn.

Gonna make the Smart connection with your thread Norman because I do feel that's a part of it too - Smart/Kill Cities. #Smart everything right, from cities to #water. Btw, stock up on incandescent bulbs while you can, they've been outlawed and will be hard to find very soon. Watch this little experiment on a bottle of Smart Water from #Coca-Cola, looks to be #graphene infused:

Source: https://www.bitchute.com/video/dIUs9anyC1jiSee less

The Co #caCo la Company Sells Graphene Infused #Toxic Water, Here is #Proof