

Nation has experienced 8 billion-dollar disasters so far this year


#Firenados in northern #California. #Ocean #fires in the #GulfofMexico. #Subway #waterfalls in #NewYorkCity. A #heat #dome in the #Northwest #melting #power #cables, killing hundreds and #frying #marine #animals. I have been told that combatting #climatechange is #expensive. Compared to what?’

‘If we do not act #boldly and #radically to combat the #climate #crisis, and significantly invest in #transforming our #energy #systems now, #future #generations will never #forgive us.’

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Mayflower Wind offshore project finds grid connection in decommissioned coal-powered plant

Mayflower Wind and Anbaric Development Partners have signed an agreement for Mayflower Wind to use transmission assets developed by Anbaric to bring offshore wind to the Brayton Point power plant in Somerset, Massachusetts.
#wind, #projects, #components, #cables, #connectors, #news, #mayflowerwindenergy, #offshore