

Big sand battery to store wind and solar energy using crushed soapstone

A huge sand battery is set to slash the carbon emissions of a Finnish town.

The industrial-scale storage unit in #Pornainen, southern Finland, will be the world’s biggest sand battery when it comes online within a year.

Capable of storing 100 MWh of thermal energy from solar and wind sources, it will enable residents to eliminate oil from their district heating network, helping to cut emissions by nearly 70 per cent.

The battery’s thermal energy storage capacity equates to almost one month’s heat demand in summer and a one-week demand in winter in Pornainen


#green #renewable #heat #solar #wind #thermal #battery #CO2 #Finland #PolarNightEnergy #ThermalEnergy #SandBattery #Kankaanpää #eco #Vatajankoski #PowerPlant


#Exxon CEO blames public for failure to fix #climate #change

source: https://thehill.com/policy/energy-environment/4494543-exxon-ceo-blames-public-for-failure-to-fix-climate-change/

Exxon Mobil Corp. CEO Darren Woods told editors from Fortune that the world has “waited too long” to begin investing in a broader suite of technologies to slow planetary heating.

#earth #economy #finance #future #environment #politics #nature #temperature #emissions #heat #greenhouseEffect #co2 #news #society


All the planets in the #solar-system are undergoing #big #changes #now, due to the 12,000 year solar #cycle.

a science article lately mentioning that Nasa or some similar agency had noticed that #Saturn’s #rings had started to #heat the #planet itself, which scientist did not quite know or understand up to now.

´The #discovery: Saturn's vast ring system is heating the giant planet's upper atmosphere.´

https://science.nasa.gov/missions/hubble/hubble-finds-saturns-rings-heating-its-atmosphere/#:~:text=The discovery: Saturn's vast ring,the giant planet's upper atmosphere


#Rio records 58.5°C real-feel #temperature in the morning

source: https://agenciabrasil.ebc.com.br/en/geral/noticia/2023-11/rio-records-585degc-real-feel-temperature-morning

Since the arrival of the #heatwave affecting several Brazilian states, #RioDeJaneiro had already recorded the hottest day of the year on Sunday (12), with a temperature of 42.5°C, and an apparent temperature of 52 degrees on Monday morning (13).

Today’s record heat is the highest since Alerta Rio began taking temperature measurements in the city. The agency reports that the two other highest temperatures this year were 58.3°C, on February 17, and 58°C, on February 4.

#Brazil #heat #weather #news #climate #problem #health #southAmerica


Kurze Pause. Ausreichend lang, um Gerätschaften in Tiefschlaf verschwinden zu lassen. Neustart, neue lose Enden, gesenktes Rollo: Sonne zieht wieder über den Giebel, schon jetzt tropft Hitze von den Dächern. Der Hausmeister gegenüber verbringt seine kurze Auszeit im Schatten des Transporters, sitzt auf dem Bordstein mit Brotbüchse und Kippe. Einige Etagen weiter oben liegt der große Hund auf dem Balkon und schläft, gelegentlich zucken die Füße im Rennen durch Felder der Träume. (Der falsche Lautsprecher klingelt. Das falsche Mikrofon fängt die falschen Geräusche. Es dauert einen Augenblick, bis sich die seltsamen Rückkopplungen beruhigen. Dann kommt langsam wieder Ordnung in den Moment.)

#outerworld #home_office_hours #the_silence_in_lunch_breaks #heat_and_the_city

#home office hours #the silence in lunch breaks #heat and the city


Deep #warming

Even if we ‘solve’ global warming, we face an older, slower #problem. #Waste heat could radically alter #Earth’s #future

source: https://aeon.co/essays/theres-a-deeper-problem-hiding-beneath-global-warming

‘Through his worldwide industrial #civilisation,’ the report concluded, ‘Man is unwittingly conducting a vast geophysical #experiment’ – an experiment with a highly uncertain outcome, but clear and important risks for #life on Earth.

#climate #environment #physics #nature #temperature #heat #news #science


We’re getting alerts for “Dangerous Heat” for the next couple of day, but then we’ll have some 70sF

Perfect excuse to read books, eat frozen treats and nap…

Stay safe everyone.
