

happy, of course, for the increment of progress, in a little pocket.

happy for malta. well done legalising.


if you're being told how much of a thing you can have,

you're not free,


that's my first reaction mini rant inspired hearing first of malta legalising, yay happy, then hearing blah blah this number that number o how much you're allowed where. what....? that's a thing? where we can be told how much of a thing we're allowed to have. .... ?????! not to mention all the rest of the insane misfitting harmful minutia of nuances in implementation and configuration of that surprising thing to have .. in a free.... ohhhh. ... right, where are your papers, still, not full restoration of r free world, where we preserve our freeroaming, free speech, free press, free thought, free association, free enquiry, free healthcare, free internet, free software, free education, free energy... free as in freedom.

there aught not be any specialist class of role to tell you or anyone t or any device/program/energy/robot/etc, to be some gestapo searching people for their papers, getting to determine who gets to do what, including live. so let exorcise this deeply, widely, strongly harmful example, as an example to other such hypocritical harmful imbalances.

simply move on. #wearenotdoingthatanymore. #lettherebeherb. #wetheundersigned #wetheborn

#legalisation #emancipation #digitsrants #cannabis #free #symbiosis #sentientrights #compassion #consciousness #cannabislegalisation #cannabisdescheduling #cannabisdecriminalisation #betwixtcabbagecheeseandcoffee #nofussnecessary #iftoldhowmuchcanhavethennotfreeyet #fakelegalisation #mansbestfriend #therevolutionwillnotbelegalised