The Historical Legacy of Juneteenth | National Museum of African American History and Culture
Even though the Emancipation Proclamation was made effective in 1863, it could not be implemented in places still under Confederate control. As a result, in the westernmost Confederate state of Texas, enslaved people would not be free until much later. Freedom finally came on June 19, 1865, when some 2,000 Union troops arrived in Galveston Bay, Texas. The army announced that the more than 250,000 enslaved black people in the state, were free by executive decree. This day came to be known as "Juneteenth," by the newly freed people in Texas.
Juneteenth marks our countryâs second independence day. Although it has long celebrated in the African American community, this monumental event remains largely unknown to most Americans.
As someone born and raised in Texas, I knew the significance of Juneteenth from about high school on. Back in my day, Texas History was a required course, and it included that fact. Intellectually, I know that's not true for most folks, especially white people not from Texas. Here's a bit of (largely unknown) history to explain the Federal (and Bank) Holiday this Wednesday.
Everything #politicians tell you about #immigration is wrong. This is how it actually works
source: https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2023/dec/29/politicians-immigration-wrong-cheap-labour
The misleading assertion that #poverty causes #migration conceals the fact that #labour demand has been the main driver of growing immigration to western countries since the 1990s. More widespread #education, womenâs #emancipation and #population ageing have led to labour shortages; these have fuelled a growing demand for #migrant workers in sectors such as #agriculture, #construction, #cleaning, #hospitality, #transport and food processing, as supplies of local #workers willing and able to do such jobs have increasingly run dry. Without such chronic labour shortages, most migrants wouldnât have come.
just practicing a couple of my mantras...
I do not consent.
I am the executor and sole beneficiary.
know any other similar mantras that may serve well to also do?
#freeman #commonlaw #emancipation #awareness #mantras #legalese #plainenglish
#digitstv today, highlighting two...
https://www.bitchute.com/video/0RQ4puNjoyE4/ < The Greatest Secret - Your Trust Fund [Corporation] - Richard Vobes
https://www.bitchute.com/video/TexbDksQK6Dl/ < ...more than it's title would have you think it's about.
#emancipation #spirituality #goodness #goodgod #sacrafice #nocullnecessary #divideandconquer #trap #trick #reality #plenty #actors #deception #awareness #humanity #lifetrust #executor #solebeneficiary #estate #reclaimyourpower #freeyourmind #thegreatesttrick #thegreatestsecret #cleanfree #notdebtbased #emancipatorytechnology #weareallinthistogether #deepstate #bigbank #bigbaron #dehumanisation #anonymity #pseudonymity #karmicelastic #responsibility #socioeconomics #sociology #economics #nonviolence #collectiveconsciousness #love #peace #agape #namaste #eachandall #freeandfreealike #wecanstillmendthis
destroy more,
make shoddier,
replace sooner,
externalities, externalities, externalities,
rebrand the devil angelic,
keep telling the slaves they're free,
destroy the competition,
suppress the innovations that obsolete the rents.
look at all that churn.
look at all that wealth transfer.
pay no attention to the orders magnitude more wealth destroyed.
keep calling wealth extraction maximisation "profit".
keep calling poverty a virtue to the impoverished.
keep saying the churn is progress and riches.
trot out worshippers of the Gross Domestic Product.
dont you just love capitalism?
maybe capitalist barons care.
maybe this psycho is best.
believe harder. the lies are true.
buy more.
stay dependent,
on your abuser,
because they took everything.
dont you just love capitalism?
#digitspoems #capitalism #churn #GDP #TheCorporation #ThePsychopath #wealthextractionmaximisation #poverty #marketing #advertising #plannedobsolescence #dependence #austerity #rentierism #rents #barons #bigbaron #buy #buybuybuy #consumerism #economics #freedom #deception #emancipation #oppression #orwellianism
"put these motors in every trucker's truck"
#freeenergy #emancipation #endtheriggedgame
remember when we found and implemented all those ways to end the #glyphosate era?
it, in large part, started with increasing public awareness, people explaining it to each other, how it's a full spectrum anti-biotic, a catalyric carcinogen, and mutagen, and thus is causing ecocide, unto omnicide, except, if you get the racketeer's patented gene, then you're under their protection, and ownership, under the codex alimentarius plan, losing all rights, including bodily autonomy, and so, like in the logic of the witch-hunt's catch-22 damned if you damned if you dont, if you dont have their "protection" then you're poisoned by glyphosate, if you're alive/unpoisoned, then you have the gene they inserted n you, they own you, and can poison you.
there was a lot of lag. it took a while for people to get it, and be able to explain it to others in their own words, regardless the accuracy, but just to get enough of the understanding of the racket and the genocide/anthrocide/eccocide/omnicide and the totalitarian corporate tyranny dystopia and beyond, and it looked like we nearly didnt make it, in time enough to clean up the vast quantities of it accelerated out under the "economic" incentives, from the economic system that not only incentivised such vast devastation, but mandated it (e.g. the corporation buying itself the rule disallowing any action that does not maximise wealth extraction in favour of the share holders . . . "to protect the share holders" . . . O_O the horror. #facethehorror ), ... such "marketing spin" (itself recursively mandated, for profit and other erroneous rules and momentae), contributed to the lag. lag in people coming to terms with it and able to explain it to others in their own words. it seemed like we nearly didnt get atop that, with how the corporation tried to protect itself, separating people, keeping people independently dependent on the corporation, seprated from interdependencies or independencies, kept in information total control, hiding the totalitarianism that had crept around them generations prior, kept oblivious to both the hour being later than they think, and how amazingly brilliant they really are compared to the limited preceptions they have of themselves as curated by the corporation to keep them perceiving themselves necessarily dependent on the corporation, and fearful of everybody else, even hateful, to generate threat confirmations of hostility and duped stupidity, to accelerate the separation effect that would have served the corporation's #psychopathic inevitable essence, had enough of us not leaned and pushed and kicked into getting out of that #shallowpsychology that leads to that #tragedyofthecommons. the convenience comfort lures were clung to, in information-currated ignorance of greater comforts outside that pitcherplant's sweet juices eroding and desimating away freedoms and body etc, nearly consumed significant enough many, it seemed, past tipping point into inescapable perpetuitity, to the pesimistic perspectives the corporation generated. we didnt realise, that like the devil card in tarot, just how easy it is to escape the nooses the devil put around our neck, just how easy it is to escape the deceptions the corporation put upon our minds. and it was in this #appocalypse of seeing the #horrors generated, and sublimating out of the tricks, ceasing succumbing to the complicities (coercive and subtle), and applying higher order remedies further upstream across multidimensionality~ which is likely intangible nebulous wording, for what's basically when everybody spontaneously, independently, without need of the crowd to confirm to them it was okay, realised #iamnotdoingthatanymore and slowly the #wearenotdoingthatanymore grew in realisation, and the few last most stubbornly clinging to the corporation's hypnosis and deceptive cruelties professed as essential protective kindnesses in the bubble of ignorance and fear the corporation generated in us all. and it was that humility, that it had affected us all, that bridged the gap between those who had reached their "i am not doing that any more" tipping-point break-out revelations, and those of us who violently defended their oblivious corporate addiction and stockholm syndrome.
this #futurememory (and part derivative projecting), came about upon glimpsing https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AMdXiP3vbZ0 when thinking how if we all (/if you) wrote to #cargil to ask them to kindly not keep poisoning all life on earth that does not conform to the totalitarian life ownership racket, if manages to get through, could be significant a trajectory change, in such a huge cestation of the glyphosatiation, eliminating that major component of #CodexAlimentarius
#wecanstillmendthis #youcanstillmendthis
#digitsrants #environment #emancipation #survival #thecorporation #appocalypse #revelation #writetoyourowners #emancipateyourselves #saveyourselves #liberatetutameh #normalpeoplesaveeverybody #thehourislaterthanyouthink #weareinalotoftrouble #wecanstillmendthis #itsjustpeople #thecorporatepsychopath #genocide #chemicaldeath #ecocide #omnicide #anthrocide #hellkillusall #unless #wewakeup #wakeup #awakening #grandawakening #notfakeawake #thisisthetime #now #thelongernow #mendwards #mending #alreadymendednow #wearenotdoingthatanymore #growyourown #deglyphosatiation #saveusall #youaretheonewehavebeenwaitingfor #rise
The UN's Plan To Control Us ALL!! This Report is INSANE!!
ïżœïżœ0,4 âș ïżœ1,0YouTubeïżœïżœ :: https://youtu.be/oIPE0hG_iVI :: The UNâs Plan To Control Us ALL!! This Report is INSANE!! :: Duration: 20:54 :: Views: 348,619 :: Uploader: Coin Bureau :: Uploaded: 2023-07-02 :: 21,836 likes :: 0 dislikes :: 0 favorites :: 2,832 commentsïżœ
#orwellian #globalcompact #un #totalitarianism #fascism #digitaldictatorship #deceivers #SDG #2030 #totalitariancontrol #genocide #youwillownnothingandbehappy #thisisnotwhatdemocracylookslike #thisisnotwhatfreedomlookslike #thisisnotwhatsustainablelookslike #thisisnotwhatenvironmentalismlookslike #thisisnotwhatsciencelookslike #history #historyrepeating #coercion #cbdc #digitalslavery #ai
#emancipation #obsoletion #learn #whataretheydoing #democratic #democraticduty #democraticscrutiny #scrutiny
entre les lignes, entre les mots/Collectif dâorganisations de solidaritĂ© internationale et de mobilisation citoyenne CRID)
Une stratĂ©gie dâĂ©mancipation. Une rĂ©ponse aux alliances des droites et des extrĂȘmes droites
#CRID #emancipation
So I hear massive #depopulation planned by 2025.
Are you ready to stop that?
Are you ready to get the emancipatory technologies released?
Emancipation or genocide?
which is it to be?
#emancipationtechnology #nocullnecessary #environment #cleantechnology #rentiers #genocide #capitalism #authoritarianism #revolution #emancipation
France Culture
De lâĂ©mancipation
#emancipation #luttes
we've got crooks holding us down, we've had crooks holding us down. why are you still harking on marx (who'd not heed bakunin), when you berate those stuck on adam smith? come along with buckminster fuller. we've got crooks holding us down, we've had crooks holding us down. when 1 in 10,000 of us can innovate to care for all else, why pin all value on the labour and make everything harder and slaves of us all? come along with buckminster fuller. we've got spooks holding us down, we've had spooks holding us down. the youth of yesterdays and today are still right to reject the spurious notion we each have towork and toil to earn our right to life. 1 in 10,000. we've got crooks holding us down, we've had crooks holding us down. when we rise to say "we're not doing that anymore", we may reframe all our petty chores. when we see to educate ourselves and re-remember we may educate others, we may reframe all our petty chores. yet you may be listening from while still we've got crooks holding us down, while still we had crooks holding us down, reeling in suffering ignoramy or agony of knowing. join me in the agony of knowing, they know not what they do. we've got crooks holding us down, we've had crooks holding us down. no emancipation from hanging your worth on your toil. you are worth inately, to be and experience, to bare witness, to feel, and care, to be aware, to dare to dare, to be free and loving.
#pointsouttheinsanityofitall #adamsmith #marxism ##marx #bakunin #economics #buckminsterfuller #innovate #value #crooks #spooks #harder #slaves #theyouthoftoday #rise #listening #reremember #educate #emancipation #emancipationtechnology #cathartic #yearning #thinkwise #10000 #1in10000 #youth #holding #chores #pettychores #ignorance #bliss #agony #knowing #ifignoranceisblissgivemeagony #educateothers #toil #worth #free #inately #be #experience #witness #feel #care #aware #loving #dare :)
There is so much I'm only beginning to learn...
The Civil War is rarely taught properly. The well documented struggle for liberation is left out of the story. The enslaved people who fled to Union lines whenever they were able forced Lincoln to state that ending slavery was the object of the conflict. He only reluctantly agreed to establish the United States Colored Troops, who were more invested in victory than any other group in the country. Of course, he never gave up on his dream of an all white country. Shortly before his assassination he still expressed a desire to send Black people away and to compensate the Confederacy for its lost free labor.
« On nâentend pas de bruits de bottes, mais la concentration du pouvoir et des richesses atteint des sommets »
LâĂ©crivain Ăric Vuillard, prix Goncourt en 2017, rĂ©pond Ă nos questions dans cet entretien et revient sur ce qui inspire et motive son Ćuvre. « On doit pouvoir mettre dans un mĂȘme livre le petit prolĂ©tariat et les notables, les ouvriers et les banquiers. » Dans son dernier ouvrage, Une sortie honorable (Actes Sud), il jette un regard Ă©clairant sur une guerre coloniale mĂ©connue : celle dâIndochine. https://basta.media/Eric-Vuillard-interview-La-concentration-du-pouvoir-et-des-richesses-atteint-des-sommets
#Entretien #Litterature #PrixGoncourt #EricVuillard #Histoire #Pouvoir #Politique #Colonialisation #Colonies #Indochine #Concentration #LuttesSociales #ClassesSociales #Guerre #GiletsJaunes #Revolte #Inegalites #Emancipation #VincenzoVecchi #Libertes #Neoliberalisme
Onze bonnes rĂ©solutions pour sâĂ©manciper de la « mal info » en 2022
Bien sâinformer en 2022 sera, encore plus que dâhabitude, essentiel. Entre campagne Ă©lectorale, banalisation des discours dâexclusion, et retour des mobilisations Ă©cologiques et sociales, voici onze (conseils de) bonnes rĂ©solutions Ă suivre. https://basta.media/onze-bonnes-resolutions-pour-bien-s-informer-en-2022-medias-independants
VoilĂ plus dâune dĂ©cennie quâun Ă©cosystĂšme de mĂ©dias indĂ©pendants, engagĂ©s en faveur de lâĂ©mancipation et non de lâexclusion ou de la stigmatisation, se constitue. Basta! en a Ă©tĂ© lâun des pionniers en proposant des articles approfondis, en accĂšs libre, partageables par toutes et tous, sans publicitĂ© et sans collecte de vos donnĂ©es. Nous avons parlĂ© dâĂ©cologie alors que la plupart des mĂ©dias nây consacraient mĂȘme pas une rubrique. Nous nous sommes penchĂ©s sur les conditions de travail, quand la presse Ă©conomique relayait principalement le point de vue des directions financiĂšres. Nous avons recensĂ© les violences policiĂšres lĂ©tales Ă lâheure oĂč celles-ci Ă©taient, au mieux, relĂ©guĂ©es aux rubriques des faits divers.
Dâautres mĂ©dias indĂ©pendants, en accĂšs libre ou payant ont, depuis, Ă©mergĂ©. Ils offrent Ă chacun·e la possibilitĂ© de sâinformer correctement sur diffĂ©rents sujets, peu ou pas traitĂ©s ailleurs. Voici les bonnes rĂ©solutions que chacun et chacune peut adopter pour mieux sâinformer en 2022. https://basta.media/onze-bonnes-resolutions-pour-bien-s-informer-en-2022-medias-independants
Carte recensant les mĂ©dias indĂ©pendants, gĂ©nĂ©ralistes ou locaux, rĂ©alisĂ©e par LâĂge de faire : La presse « pas pareille » en France
đŽ DERNIĂRES HEURES POUR NOUS FAIRE UN DON ! Nous espĂ©rons qu'un sursaut collectif de solidaritĂ© nous permettra d'atteindre notre objectif de 2000 nouveaux soutiens. Et si pour la nouvelle annĂ©e vous preniez de bonnes rĂ©solutions ? https://basta.media/don
#JournalismeIndependant #NouvelleAnnee #BonneAnnee2022 #BonnesRĂ©solutions #InformationIndependante #Information #MediasLibres #Ecosysteme #Emancipation #MediasMainstream #Solidarite #Ecologie #Alternatives #MouvementsSociaux #Democratie #ViolencesPolicieres #ServicePublic #DettePublique #Economie #VivreAutrement #Initiatives #Mobilisation #Soutien #Don #Generosite #ConditionsDeTravail #Enquete #Reportage #Investigation