

What is 'negative' freedom?

Imagine a society in which everyone is born with a socially guaranteed right not to be obstructed from their individual right of access to living space and subsistence production on the commons. Imagine, rather than the society of nuclear family households created by the atomizing effects of the modern state and capitalism, most people are born into micro-villages or other co-living units, with a birthright including adequate food and clothing, medical care, etc., in return for performing some minimum of contribution to the extended household’s needs (e.g. doing one’s 15 hours in the co-living project’s gardens and workshops) when capable of doing so. In that case, what right-libertarians dismiss as “positive freedom” would be every bit as much an actual “negative freedom” as the right of a corporate shareholder to receive dividends or participate in corporate governance without interference.


#anarchism #mutualism #freedom #property #libertarianism #capitalism #Carson


Pour éviter aux adorateurs de leur voiture et autres techno-esclaves de rater leur vie pour de bon xD

"l’importance de cultiver le sens de l’émerveillement chez les enfants. Peut-être en raison de ses expériences de jeunesse, Rachel Carson fondait beaucoup d’espoir sur cette approche émotionnelle qui peut servir d’“antidote infaillible à l’ennui et au désenchantement des années qui suivent [l’enfance], aux préoccupations stériles pour des choses factices”."


#carson #ecologie #futile #capitalisme #fr