

A really fun podcast episode with https://mastodon.social/@Rushkoff@social.coop and other cool people talking about psychedelics, history of the internet and how tech bros are trying to monopolise psychedelics as an industry


At one point Dr. Julie Holland says something along the lines of "how about schools where one doesn't have to ask permission to go to the toilet when they need to", and I was like "holy shit, woah, yes, that is a very sensible reasonable no-brainer baseline humane thing, isn't it?" 💡 while feeling crashed by this sudden realisation in the saddest way possible 😓

#technology #internet #computers #psychedelics #techbros #history #podcast #podcasts #anarchism


For a thoroughly anti-nationalist critique of Zionism

critiquing Israeli nationalism and colonialism is no more inherently antisemitic than critiquing the Chinese Communist Party is inherently anti-Chinese. Believing that to be the case is in itself racist because that belief is rooted in the idea that people and states are the same thing

A “people” is quite simply a group of individuals that have associated together and have over time formed cultural similarities. It is an organic network of affinity groups with a culture that developed freely and naturally, and that will change and evolve over time. A people have no innate “essence” that exists out in the ether, and there is no force involved to maintain a people. A nation state on the other hand is a group of elites that has forced many people under one despotic military regime with the goal of creating and maintaining an artificial and unified identity


#Zionism #nationalism #anarchism


#Anarchism and the #opposition to #war

The anarchists must avoid all confusion and declare themselves opposed to all war, however much it may pretend to be a democratic struggle against totalitarianism. They must not let this dissuade them, in the event of war, from continuing their independent struggle, uncompromisingly, with libertarian methods, against all forms of oppression.

The anarchists denounce the myth of universal peace based on a pretence of union between States.

Source: https://revolutionsverlag.noblogs.org/post/2022/08/05/anarchist-position-on-war/

#history #forgotten


Autism: Self Diagnosis

Autism and anarchy: Self-diagnosis

In general, all the forms that autistic and ADHD people must fill out to get a diagnosis are rather like someone with a broken leg being asked to jump over a garden wall in order to get into a hospital bed. The system lacks a basis in objective observation, and it is also burdening those seeking care in a way that shows it doesn’t understand what autistic people go through.

This! So much this!

#ADHD #Anarchism #autism #AutismAndAnarchy #Selfdiagnosis


[2024-02- 9 09:51:48] <@Digit> .yt episode #194 ... Do we really need the police? - Anarchism pt. 3 - (Gelderloos, Security)
[2024-02- 9 09:51:49] 0,4 â–ș 1,0YouTube :: https://youtu.be/2lz__WYEDrY :: Episode #194 ... Do we really need the police? - Anarchism pt. 3 - (Gelderloos, Security) :: Duration: 31:55 :: Views: 5,208 :: Uploader: Philosophize This! :: Uploaded: 2024-01-27 :: 234 likes :: 0 dislikes :: 0 favorites :: 63 comments
[2024-02- 9 09:52:00] <@Digit> ^ speaks to " human nature "
did someone say human nature? you mean like: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EQnUFxoFqNY yes?
^ 0,4 â–ș 1,0YouTube :: Anarchism and Human Nature :: Duration: 18:44 :: Views: 25,267 :: Uploader: Libertarian Communist Platform :: Uploaded: 2018-05-06 :: 1,847 likes⏎

#philosophy #politics #police #laws #letterofthelaw #spiritofthelaw #specialclass #inequality #socialdivision #causeandeffect #causeoreffect #state #statemonopolyonvilence " #humannature " #intermediaries #socialbonds #localcommunity #anarchistphilosophy #anarchism #society #panopticon #specialisation #conflictresolution #deescalation #needsbased #responsivetoneeds #responsibility #individualresponsibility #mutualresponsibility #socialorganisation #malitia #confederacy #consider #imagine #peaceful #freedom

#WEcanstillmendthis :)


#anarchism #history #1960s #magazine #uk ">
Anarchy (First Series) 001 Vol:01 #01
Anarchy was an anarchist monthly magazine produced in London from March 1961 until December 1970. It was published by Freedom Press and edited by its founder, Colin Ward with cover art on many issues by Rufus Segar. The magazine included articles on anarchism and reflections on current events from an anarchist perspective, e.g. workers control, criminology, squatting.

The magazine had irregular contributions from writers such as Marie Louise Berneri, Paul Goodman, George Woodcock, Murray Bookchin, and Nicholas Walter. — https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Anarchy_(magazine)


There are few if any #fantasies that involve #socialism, same with #anarchism. There are only a handful with #liberals. more so with #Fascism Almost all of them center around #monarchism and feudalism. There are #sci-fi with ones of all those systems as well with a higher level of leftists. #Kings, #knights, #princes and lords are all negative evil titles and characters to people on the left for good reason. However #Queen and #princess have taken on positive feminist meanings that have nothing to do with ruling others. Nestor Makhno was the closest thing to an anarchist #lord, as one could possibly be. Most male nobility terms will always have a negative meaning to the left. If say anarchism took off, would people be referring to a strong influential woman/girl in her local sustainable community/direct democracy workers counsel as a queen/princess? In leninism everyone was referred to as comrade. In the US at least we aren't so much hung up on titles though post Czarist Russia needed a cleaning of their feudalist past and deference to nobility and titles very quickly. It would be interesting how old titles will be reworked in a leftist world.


Russian Anarchist behind bars

Miftakhov, now aged 30, is a talented mathematician, a graduate student at Moscow State University, and an anarchist.

In February 2019, he was detained in Moscow on suspicion of breaking a window in the office of the United Russia political party. Investigators claimed he was standing nearby when it happened “in order to warn accomplices of possible danger”. Miftakhov was beaten and tortured by FSB officers, who used a power drill on him.


#Russia #Anarchism #prison


If you'd like to learn more about #degrowth, especially the theoretical underpinnings of the idea and its relation to #anarchism, I recommend reading the in-depth blog article linked below.

Here is a brief bit from the beginning...

The concept of degrowth is really quite simple. It is, at its core, just the reduction of society’s overall metabolism to a level consistent with biospheric boundaries through pathways that prioritize societal well-being. That’s really it.

It is not austerity, recession, or eco-fascist population reduction. In fact, it’s a shift away from the current orthodox socio-economic worldview to one where those descriptors don’t even really make sense because the evaluation of societal well-being has fundamentally changed.

FULL ARTICLE -- https://nishikantsheorey.substack.com/p/prefiguring-degrowth

#Capitalism #climatechange


#Phoney anti-fascists target the real thing

Source: winteroak.org

David #Rovics (pictured) also happens to be Jewish – but that hasn’t stopped him from being publicly branded an “antisemite” by the fake-left Thought Police.



More shocking evidence has emerged of the way in which genuine anti-system dissidents are being maliciously smeared and “cancelled” by pseudo-leftists with a suspicious agenda.

“We’re talking here about thought crime. This is 1984. I am so very obviously not a fascist. So very obviously an antifascist. I have written hundreds of songs against fascism, and played at hundreds of explicitly antifascist events, for decades.

“Half my family was killed in the holocaust, my nanny lived through the Blitz, one of my best friends survived one of Franco’s concentration camps. Come fucking on”.

On the contrary, they must be delighted that he did so, because it gives them the perfect excuse to try to destroy his reputation and livelihood with the help of a gang of useful idiots who wrongly think that their incoherent, narrow-minded, violent, woke sect has got something to do with anarchism.

#antifa #fascism #anarchism #fake-left #left #orgrad #society