

A #bully believes that because he was beaten up by someone stronger, it's only fair that he gets to beat up someone weaker. A compassionate person believes no one should ever get beaten up. This is the true difference between #right and #left mindsets.

There is another type of right that believes that if everyone just left each other alone and let them do their own thing then everyone would do the right thing. A realist knows that someone will always have a lucky advantage over others and begin to aquire more power than others and use that power to rig the system against others. The only through collective feelings own ownership and community can we police each other to keep each other's worst tendencies at bay.

People on the right believe that only fear prevents laziness, and believe the left is naive that letting everyone have a basic floor of protection/safety net will ensure that people will use it as a hammock and be lazy. The left actually knows that "laziness" is a myth. A mix of depression caused by manufactured want, the lack of desire to work for someone else without merit, and psychological exhaustion of having to constantly grind just to survive. They use the bolshevic agrarian coops as their example where everyone got paid the same no matter how hard they worked oblivious to everyone else under communism who got paid more after their quota was filled and were no lazier than people in capitalist nations. The most productive people are those who work for themselves or have ownership in the outcome of success. A healthy brain is not lazy, only one exhausted and abused by the powerful beating them up become lazy because they see no true freedom.

There is a final kind of right is one that believes that those with power are superior, and therefore more ethical. Either through divine right or intellectual merit, they deserve that power so it shouldn't be questioned because they know better than us. A left mind knows that power corrupts absolutely and isolates the powerful from reality and suffering of others. They are the least to be trusted, and the less imbalance of power and the more collective power weilded, the less bullies are able to exist in the first place to pass along their toxic ideas.
#leftism #conserviative #politics #laziness #power