WordCamp EU CTF - solution
The solution to our Capture the Flag exercise that we ran during this years WordCamp EU is now public:
You can still download the source code and a docker setup for playing along if you want to check for yourself.
We have updated our CTF-challenge with one more task. In case you found the tree first ones too easy, have a go at the last one. We will present the solutions to the challenges at the end of the day tomorrow at the Jetpack booth at WordCamp EU in Porto.
Our team Jetpack is running a WordPress security mini-CTF (Capture The Flag) during WordCamp EU this year. Ever wanted to train your Hacker mindset? Read between the lines (of code!), and break stuff?
You want to try this!
Be sure to visit our booth from tomorrow!
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Hi, I need some feedback on my new blog post 🙏 :
👉 https://blog.regalis.tech/steganography/brief-introduction/
BTW, can you find the cat and post his name in the comment? 😼
#gnu #linux #programming #shell #steganography #cpp #ctf #security
Le hacking au XXIe siècle ? Zax et Doomer
#HackerEthic #Hacking #Hackers #Bidouilleurs #Formation #Éducation #SécuritéInformatique #Sécurité #BugBounty #CTF #Politique #Géopolitique #JulianAssange #EdwardSnowden #AaronSwartz
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