

enter image description here

New #December #2023 #Documentary: "The #Pandemic #Truth":

Learn how Bill Gates, Anthony Fauci, Tedros Ghebreyesus, Christian Drosten, Alex Azar, Ralph Baric, Peter Daszak, Klaus Schwab, Rockefellers, Rothschilds, BlackRock along with #governments and #Politicians used a false Pandemic to #declare #war #on #humanity.

The Pandemic was planned years in advance to achieve many objectives. Through live pandemic exercises such as Event 201 they would be able in lockstep to create a fraudulent pandemic worldwide in every country on earth.

The pandemic was never about public health, it was about achieving several goals. Though the virus was dangerous, it was no more dangerous than the flu and could be treated with safe early treatments such as Ivermectin, vitamin D, C, Zinc and other early treatment methods.

Our governments around the world are not acting in the best interest of the people, but are under the control of global corporations such as Pfizer, BlackRock and NGO's such as the (WHO) World Health Organization and (WEF) World Economic Forum which combined will be known as "Mr. Global."

They are using WEF trained politicians to achieve their goals such as Emmanuel Macron, Justin Trudeau, Jacinda Arden, Ursula von der Leyen and others.

They changed the definition of a Pandemic so it would not have to include severe illness and death worldwide, but only worldwide cases or disease. To achieve the cases they needed to declare the Pandemic they used a fraudulent PCR test that was never designed to be used as a diagnostic test.

Through fear, propaganda and 97% false PCR cases they declared a Pandemic and ordered lockdowns, social distancing, masking all of which were never based on scientific data, but were instruments to instill fear and control the populations. Climate Change is now being used in the same way.

Covid-19 was engineered in the U.S. after receiving an infectious clone WIV1-CoV Spike protein from Wuhan China. It was then released intentionally on the world. Anthony Fauci willfully funded this Gain of Function when it was illegal to do so. Ralph S. Baric created SARS-CoV-2 in the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill and lied to the world.

The WHO is controlled by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation along GAVI which is the largest vaccine distributor in the world.

There was no excess mortality anywhere in the world. It was medical malpractice that caused unnecessary deaths. Patients were put on ventilators and given the deadly drug Remdesivir for profits and to create more deaths and fear.

Before the Pandemic U.S. Patents show SARS-CoV-2 and the Covid vaccines were already created and ready to be deployed on the world.

Using fear, control and blocking safe early treatments they injected billions of unsuspecting innocent people with gene therapeutic experiments never giving them true legal informed consent which is a criminal violation of the Nuremberg Code.

Every invasive medical intervention is a bodily injury or criminal battery unless the patient explicitly consents to it and his consent is invalid without having true informed consent.

There was never a need for these lethal vaccines, we had safe early treatments and there was never a Pandemic, only a PCR test Pandemic.

The vaccines are completely ineffective and highly dangerous. Through a whistleblower in the U.S. the number of deaths after vaccination in the U.S. is over 500,000 and growing every day since the vaccine rollouts. Worldwide, over 20 million.

There are also serious side effects such as neurological disorders, thrombosis, myocarditis and autoimmune disease. The vaccines damage the immune system. The CDC knew the vaccines caused death and serious side effects and hid this from the world.

The Pandemic was used to dramatically reduce the world's population and to enact a one world government under the United Nations with digital ID and digital currency for everyone. They are using wars, pandemics and climate change to achieve these goals unless we unite and stop them now.

#quote from #pa


#cgi #povray
ping @tTh, @Nunuche Follette, @inco gnito, ... :)

Bois et Résine Epoxyde dans povray

Après avoir un peu fait joujou avec mon dé, à lui essayer tout plein de textures diverses et variées... j'ai repensé à ces vidéos, postées par @Nunuche Follette, sur des objets en bois flotté noyé dans de la résine époxyde.

J'ai donc tout naturellement voulu faire un dé de la sorte.

Créer un objet qui sera inséré, comme un bout de bois, à l'aide d'une isosurface {} et une fonction f_granite comme générateur de forme, ce n'est pas le plus compliqué :
** Gros dé en bois et résine époxyde

#version 3.7;

#include "colors.inc"
#include "consts.inc"
#include "functions.inc"
#include "transforms.inc"

#include "isocsg/iso_csg.inc" // ISO_CSG, voir http://imagico.de/pov/ic/index.php

#declare EPSILON = 1e-4; // toute petite valeur, pour les marges

#ifndef (ASPECT_RATIO)
#declare ASPECT_RATIO = image_width / image_height;

#declare AMBIENT_LIGHT = rgb 1/3;

#default {
finish { ambient AMBIENT_LIGHT }

global_settings {
charset utf8
assumed_gamma srgb
ambient_light AMBIENT_LIGHT

#declare SEED = seed(639663322);

#macro V3Rand()
< rand(SEED), rand(SEED), rand(SEED) >

#macro V3SRand()
(V3Rand() * 2 - 1)

#declare Size = 5; // taille du dé : 5 cms

#declare Size2 = Size / 2;
#declare Size2E = Size2 + EPSILON;

#local f1 = IC_Transform(f_granite,
transform {
scale Size * pi
translate V3SRand() * 100
rotate V3SRand() * 180

isosurface {
function { f1(x,y,z) * 0.4 - 0.075 }
contained_by { box { -Size2E, Size2E } }
accuracy 0.001
evaluate 1.1*0.6, sqrt(1/0.6), 0.7
pigment { White }
translate y * Size2E

// ground
plane { y, 0 pigment { Gray } }

camera {
location -z * 10
look_at o
direction z * 10

sky y
right x * ASPECT_RATIO
up y

translate -z * 100
rotate x * 30
rotate y * -60
translate y * Size2

// light intensity factor
// a: light distance (from object : light pos - object pos)
// b: light fade distance
// c: light fade power
#declare f_LightIntensityFactor = function(a,b,c) { pow(a/b + 1, c) / 2 }

#local Pos = vtransform(< -1, 2, -1 > * 100, transform { rotate y * -60 });
#local Int = f_LightIntensityFactor(vlength(Pos), 200, 1.5);
light_source {
color White * 1/3 * Int
fade_distance 200
fade_power 1.5

#local Pos = vtransform(< -1, 1, -1 > * 100, transform { rotate y * -150 });
#local Int = f_LightIntensityFactor(vlength(Pos), 100, 1.5);
light_source {
color White * 2/3 * Int
fade_distance 100
fade_power 1.5

Délimité par un cube.

Sauf que mon conteneur, ce n'est pas juste un simple cube (contained_by { box { -Size2E, Size2E } }), mais un dé, fait de l'intersection d'une sphère et d'un cube à laquelle on a enlevé des sphères écrasées pour y numéroter les faces de 1 à 6.

On a alors simplement l'idée d'utiliser le dé, fait en CSG classique, que l'on va intersecter (je ne sais pas si ça se dit) avec le morceau de bois précédemment créé en isosurface :

** Gros dé en bois et résine époxyde

#version 3.7;

#include "colors.inc"
#include "consts.inc"
#include "functions.inc"
#include "transforms.inc"

#include "isocsg/iso_csg.inc" // ISO_CSG, voir http://imagico.de/pov/ic/index.php

#include "ftz_dice.inc"

#declare EPSILON = 1e-4; // toute petite valeur, pour les marges

#ifndef (ASPECT_RATIO)
  #declare ASPECT_RATIO = image_width / image_height;

#declare AMBIENT_LIGHT = rgb 1/3;

#default {
  finish { ambient AMBIENT_LIGHT }

global_settings {
  charset utf8
  assumed_gamma srgb
  ambient_light AMBIENT_LIGHT

#declare SEED = seed(639663322);

#macro V3Rand()
  < rand(SEED), rand(SEED), rand(SEED) >

#macro V3SRand()
  (V3Rand() * 2 - 1)

#declare Size = 5; // taille du dé : 5 cms

#declare Size2  = Size / 2;
#declare Size2E = Size2 + EPSILON;

#local f1 = IC_Transform(f_granite,
   transform {
    scale Size * pi
    translate V3SRand() * 100
    rotate V3SRand() * 180

intersection {
  isosurface {
    function { f1(x,y,z) * 0.4 - 0.075 }
    contained_by { box { -Size2E, Size2E } }
    accuracy 0.001
    evaluate 1.1*0.6, sqrt(1/0.6), 0.7
    material {},
    material {}
  pigment { White }
  translate y * Size2E

// ground
plane { y, 0 pigment { Gray } }

camera {
  location  -z * 10
  look_at    o
  direction  z * 10

  sky    y
  right  x * ASPECT_RATIO
  up     y

  translate -z * 100
  rotate x * 30
  rotate y * -60
  translate y * Size2

// light intensity factor
// a: light distance (from object : light pos - object pos)
// b: light fade distance
// c: light fade power
#declare f_LightIntensityFactor = function(a,b,c) { pow(a/b + 1, c) / 2 }

#local Pos = vtransform(< -1, 2, -1 > * 100, transform { rotate y * -60 });
#local Int = f_LightIntensityFactor(vlength(Pos), 200, 1.5);
light_source {
  color White * 1/3 * Int
  fade_distance 200
  fade_power 1.5

#local Pos = vtransform(< -1, 1, -1 > * 100, transform { rotate y * -150 });
#local Int = f_LightIntensityFactor(vlength(Pos), 100, 1.5);
light_source {
  color White * 2/3 * Int
  fade_distance 100
  fade_power 1.5

Voilà, c'est déjà mieux. Mon morceau de bois ne dépassera pas du dé conteneur.

Reste plus qu'à utiliser une jolie texture bois pour cette partie... disons T_Wood13 (de woods.inc fourni avec povray) :

** Gros dé en bois et résine époxyde

#version 3.7;

#include "colors.inc"
#include "consts.inc"
#include "functions.inc"
#include "transforms.inc"
#include "woods.inc"

#include "isocsg/iso_csg.inc" // ISO_CSG, voir http://imagico.de/pov/ic/index.php

#include "ftz_dice.inc"

#declare EPSILON = 1e-4; // toute petite valeur, pour les marges

#ifndef (ASPECT_RATIO)
  #declare ASPECT_RATIO = image_width / image_height;

#declare AMBIENT_LIGHT = rgb 1/3;

#default {
  finish { ambient AMBIENT_LIGHT }

global_settings {
  charset utf8
  assumed_gamma srgb
  ambient_light AMBIENT_LIGHT

#declare SEED = seed(639663322); // changez ce nombre, et toute la chaîne de nombres aléatoires appelés sera différente

#macro V3Rand()
  < rand(SEED), rand(SEED), rand(SEED) >

#macro V3SRand()
  (V3Rand() * 2 - 1)

#declare Size = 5; // taille du dé : 5 cms

#declare Size2  = Size / 2;
#declare Size2E = Size2 + EPSILON;

#local f1 = IC_Transform(f_granite,
   transform {
    scale Size * pi
    translate V3SRand() * 100
    rotate V3SRand() * 180

intersection {
  isosurface {
    function { f1(x,y,z) * 0.4 - 0.075 }
    contained_by { box { -Size2E, Size2E } }
    accuracy 0.001
    evaluate 1.1*0.6, sqrt(1/0.6), 0.7
    material {},
    material {}
  texture {
    translate V3SRand() * 1e4
    rotate V3SRand() * 180
  translate y * Size2E

// ground
plane { y, 0 pigment { Gray } }

camera {
  location  -z * 10
  look_at    o
  direction  z * 10

  sky    y
  right  x * ASPECT_RATIO
  up     y

  translate -z * 100
  rotate x * 30
  rotate y * -60
  translate y * Size2

// light intensity factor
// a: light distance (from object : light pos - object pos)
// b: light fade distance
// c: light fade power
#declare f_LightIntensityFactor = function(a,b,c) { pow(a/b + 1, c) / 2 }

#local Pos = vtransform(< -1, 2, -1 > * 100, transform { rotate y * -60 });
#local Int = f_LightIntensityFactor(vlength(Pos), 200, 1.5);
light_source {
  color White * 1/3 * Int
  fade_distance 200
  fade_power 1.5

#local Pos = vtransform(< -1, 1, -1 > * 100, transform { rotate y * -150 });
#local Int = f_LightIntensityFactor(vlength(Pos), 100, 1.5);
light_source {
  color White * 2/3 * Int
  fade_distance 100
  fade_power 1.5

Il ne reste plus qu'à ajouter le dé en résine époxyde :

** Gros dé en bois et résine époxyde

#version 3.7;

#include "colors.inc"
#include "consts.inc"
#include "finish.inc"
#include "functions.inc"
#include "transforms.inc"
#include "woods.inc"

#include "isocsg/iso_csg.inc" // ISO_CSG, voir http://imagico.de/pov/ic/index.php

#include "ftz_dice.inc"

#declare EPSILON = 1e-4; // toute petite valeur, pour les marges

#ifndef (ASPECT_RATIO)
  #declare ASPECT_RATIO = image_width / image_height;

#declare AMBIENT_LIGHT = rgb 1/3;

#default {
  finish { ambient AMBIENT_LIGHT }

global_settings {
  charset utf8
  assumed_gamma srgb
  ambient_light AMBIENT_LIGHT

#declare SEED = seed(639663322);

#macro V3Rand()
  < rand(SEED), rand(SEED), rand(SEED) >

#macro V3SRand()
  (V3Rand() * 2 - 1)

#declare Size = 5; // taille du dé : 5 cms

#declare Size2  = Size / 2;
#declare Size2E = Size2 + EPSILON;

#local f1 = IC_Transform(f_granite,
   transform {
    scale Size * pi
    translate V3SRand() * 100
    rotate V3SRand() * 180

#local o_Wood = intersection {
  isosurface {
    function { f1(x,y,z) * 0.4 - 0.075 }
    contained_by { box { -Size2E, Size2E } }
    accuracy 0.001
    evaluate 1.1*0.6, sqrt(1/0.6), 0.7

    material {},
    material {}

  texture {
    translate V3SRand() * 1e4
    rotate V3SRand() * 180

#local o_Dice = FTZ_Dice(Size,
  // résine époxyde légèrement bleue
  material {
    #local C1 = < 186, 229, 255 > / 255;
    #local C2 = < 117, 157, 181 > / 255;

    #local T = 0.995; // transparence totale (filtrage compris)
    #local F = 0.2; // filtrage seul

    texture {
      pigment { color C1 filter F transmit (T - F) }

      finish {
        diffuse 0.15
        specular 0.8
        roughness 0.001
        reflection {
          fresnel on

    interior {
      ior 1.5
      //dispersion 1.0125 // très long à rendre, avec de la dispersion
      fade_color C2
      fade_distance Size * 0.85
      fade_power 1001

  // matériau pour les nombres
  material {
    texture {
      pigment { color White * 0.995 }
      finish { Dull }

union {
  object { o_Wood }
  object { o_Dice }
  translate y * Size2E

// ground
plane { y, 0 pigment { Gray } }

camera {
  location  -z * 10
  look_at    o
  direction  z * 10

  sky    y
  right  x * ASPECT_RATIO
  up     y

  translate -z * 100
  rotate x * 30
  rotate y * -60
  translate y * Size2

// light intensity factor
// a: light distance (from object : light pos - object pos)
// b: light fade distance
// c: light fade power
#declare f_LightIntensityFactor = function(a,b,c) { pow(a/b + 1, c) / 2 }

#local Pos = vtransform(< -1, 2, -1 > * 100, transform { rotate y * -60 });
#local Int = f_LightIntensityFactor(vlength(Pos), 200, 1.5);
light_source {
  color White * 1/3 * Int
  fade_distance 200
  fade_power 1.5

#local Pos = vtransform(< -1, 1, -1 > * 100, transform { rotate y * -150 });
#local Int = f_LightIntensityFactor(vlength(Pos), 100, 1.5);
light_source {
  color White * 2/3 * Int
  fade_distance 100
  fade_power 1.5

Et voilà.