

Another Enlightenment Fraud

Again and again and again, we see that the “human rights” promoted by the self-styled “liberals” of the #Enlightenment were always fraudulent to their very core. Here we see in #England how so-called “equality” only goes one way and works systematically to the #disadvantage of #boys:

One of the biggest girls’ football leagues in the country faces being shut down by the Football Association for refusing to allow a boy to play in its matches.

The Mail on Sunday can reveal that a row has broken out between the FA and officials running a female league in Yorkshire after parents complained their son had not been allowed to join.

It is understood the FA has threatened the West Riding Girls Football League with sanctions and a possible suspension if it does not agree to let boys on the pitch, a scenario officials have branded ‘a massive threat to the girls’ game’.

Last week an emergency meeting was held by organisers of the league – which has at least 6,000 under-18 girls playing across more than 300 teams – where managers voiced their concerns that allowing boys to play would ‘open the floodgates’.

The FA’s gender policy states that any under-16 teams must allow both boys and girls to play, despite admitting that ‘physical strength, stamina or physique’ can put one sex at the disadvantage of the other. Fiona McAnena, at sex-based rights group Sex Matters, said: ‘A boy on the pitch changes everything. The law is clear that female-only sport is allowed. It’s sex discrimination for the FA to tell girls they must accept a male player.’

Top girls’ football league faces being shut down, THE DAILY MAIL, 3 March 2024

This is what inevitably happens when reality intrudes upon the #dogmatic #Enlightenment #principles to which the #secular champions of #social-justice have been appealing for more than 200 years. Whenever the #ideological #principle violates their #identity #priority, the principle always crumbles into dust.

We’ve seen it with #free-speech, as that has been trumped by the need for protect the ability of one group to believe they were uniquely persecuted in the 20th Century and for another group to ignore crime statistics. We’ve seen it with “democracy”, as that has been trumped by the need of #ClownWorld #governments to ignore the will of the people. And now we see it with “equality”, as three generations of unrestrained #assaults on #male-only-activities are suddenly jettisoned as soon as #female-only-activities are threatened.

We are somehow supposed to believe that #equality means telling girls they must accept a male player is #sex #discrimination, while not telling boys they must accept a female player is also sex discrimination. Which is, of course, a certain sign that #satanic #inversion is somehow involved.

The #Enlightenment is the philosophical basis for Clown World. It is an #outdated and #sophistic #philosophy that will disappear in the aftermath of Clown World’s #demise.


more are dying in the usa than in all the wars all added together


Dr. Pierre Kory We’ve Never Seen #Dying At This Rate - WAKE UP and SAY IT! Its the effing JABS!

#mass #murder is the #new-normal, #vaccinescam reveals #ALL #governments of the world are taken over by the evil ones

the poor people have no chance as the governments pay people to do the slaughter

it is so very insane as they are murdering there own families !

they never did wake up


enter image description here

New #December #2023 #Documentary: "The #Pandemic #Truth":

Learn how Bill Gates, Anthony Fauci, Tedros Ghebreyesus, Christian Drosten, Alex Azar, Ralph Baric, Peter Daszak, Klaus Schwab, Rockefellers, Rothschilds, BlackRock along with #governments and #Politicians used a false Pandemic to #declare #war #on #humanity.

The Pandemic was planned years in advance to achieve many objectives. Through live pandemic exercises such as Event 201 they would be able in lockstep to create a fraudulent pandemic worldwide in every country on earth.

The pandemic was never about public health, it was about achieving several goals. Though the virus was dangerous, it was no more dangerous than the flu and could be treated with safe early treatments such as Ivermectin, vitamin D, C, Zinc and other early treatment methods.

Our governments around the world are not acting in the best interest of the people, but are under the control of global corporations such as Pfizer, BlackRock and NGO's such as the (WHO) World Health Organization and (WEF) World Economic Forum which combined will be known as "Mr. Global."

They are using WEF trained politicians to achieve their goals such as Emmanuel Macron, Justin Trudeau, Jacinda Arden, Ursula von der Leyen and others.

They changed the definition of a Pandemic so it would not have to include severe illness and death worldwide, but only worldwide cases or disease. To achieve the cases they needed to declare the Pandemic they used a fraudulent PCR test that was never designed to be used as a diagnostic test.

Through fear, propaganda and 97% false PCR cases they declared a Pandemic and ordered lockdowns, social distancing, masking all of which were never based on scientific data, but were instruments to instill fear and control the populations. Climate Change is now being used in the same way.

Covid-19 was engineered in the U.S. after receiving an infectious clone WIV1-CoV Spike protein from Wuhan China. It was then released intentionally on the world. Anthony Fauci willfully funded this Gain of Function when it was illegal to do so. Ralph S. Baric created SARS-CoV-2 in the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill and lied to the world.

The WHO is controlled by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation along GAVI which is the largest vaccine distributor in the world.

There was no excess mortality anywhere in the world. It was medical malpractice that caused unnecessary deaths. Patients were put on ventilators and given the deadly drug Remdesivir for profits and to create more deaths and fear.

Before the Pandemic U.S. Patents show SARS-CoV-2 and the Covid vaccines were already created and ready to be deployed on the world.

Using fear, control and blocking safe early treatments they injected billions of unsuspecting innocent people with gene therapeutic experiments never giving them true legal informed consent which is a criminal violation of the Nuremberg Code.

Every invasive medical intervention is a bodily injury or criminal battery unless the patient explicitly consents to it and his consent is invalid without having true informed consent.

There was never a need for these lethal vaccines, we had safe early treatments and there was never a Pandemic, only a PCR test Pandemic.

The vaccines are completely ineffective and highly dangerous. Through a whistleblower in the U.S. the number of deaths after vaccination in the U.S. is over 500,000 and growing every day since the vaccine rollouts. Worldwide, over 20 million.

There are also serious side effects such as neurological disorders, thrombosis, myocarditis and autoimmune disease. The vaccines damage the immune system. The CDC knew the vaccines caused death and serious side effects and hid this from the world.

The Pandemic was used to dramatically reduce the world's population and to enact a one world government under the United Nations with digital ID and digital currency for everyone. They are using wars, pandemics and climate change to achieve these goals unless we unite and stop them now.

#quote from #pa


Dec 02, 2023
Their #evil game is up !
#Governments Make Nations Poor, First Responsibility Is Planting Seeds, Producing Food
If government cared about the people, food would be in abundance and nobody would be hungry. The 'Crooks In Suits' are not at all interested in the people. They #steal the #wealth and line their own pockets and Elizabeth Warren is an example. She belongs in prison. It would take so little to feed #everyone and have full employment. This video uses a Caribbean nation to prove the point. The math is done for you. Images of this wonderful mountainous nation are shown along with



a friends daughter passed away last week ,
she was researching the #Mapuche tribe in
#Chile ,had never heard of them ,she did her thesis on them
#Indigenous #Peoples in Chile
There are 10 different Indigenous groups in Chile. The largest one is the Mapuche, followed by the Aymara, the Diaguita, the Lickanantay, and the Quechua peoples. Chile is the only country in Latin America, that does not recognise the Indigenous Peoples in its constitution. For that, Indigenous groups face challenges, especially in terms of territorial rights.

However, the UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples was adopted by the Government of Chile on 13 September 2007 and ILO convention 169 was ratified in 2008. Despite Chile’s constitution not recognizing the Indigenous Peoples, the Ministry of Social Development has convened an Indigenous constitutional drafting process to gain the perspective of the Indigenous Peoples on the content of a new constitution.

Law No. 19,253 of 1993 on Indigenous promotion, protection, and development remains in effect, even though it does not meet international law standards concerning the rights of Indigenous Peoples to land, territory, natural resources, participation, and political autonomy.

Indigenous Peoples in Chile
There are 10 different Indigenous groups in Chile. Despite being in constant increase since the 1990s, the Indigenous population of Chile has not varied greatly since the 2017 census, resulting in 2,185,792 people self-identifying as Indigenous, or the equivalent of 12.8% of the country’s total population of 17,076,076. The Mapuche are the most numerous (almost 1,800,000 individuals), followed by the Aymara (156,000) and the Diaguita (88,000).

There has been a notable and sustained increase in the proportion of Indigenous population living in urban areas, with 87.8% of Indigenous members now living in cities compared to 12.2% living in the countryside.

Main challenges for Chile’s Indigenous Peoples
According to the Ministry of Social Development, 30.8% of the Indigenous population live in poverty, while for the non-indigenous population that figure is 19.9%. The region of Araucanía, which concentrates the largest Indigenous population, continues to be the country’s poorest region.

A continuous struggle for the Mapuche peoples is their rights to the lands and territories, which legally and/or ancestrally belong to them. In the Region of the Araucanía and Los Ríos, the rights of the Mapuche people have been gravely threatened by the expansion of extractive, production, and infrastructure projects. The great majority of these initiatives belong to private corporations.

Although a new legislative bill raises questions on the part of Indigenous Peoples and has created the Biodiversity and Protected Areas Service (SBAP) and the National Protected Areas System (SNAP), it fails to recognize the contribution of Indigenous Peoples to biodiversity, does not protect indigenous rights against public and private conservation initiatives, nor recognizes or protect indigenous and community conservation initiatives.

Another challenge is the criminalization of Mapuche social protest by the state. During 2017, the #State broadly used the Antiterrorist Act to #persecute members of the Mapuche #people. During the course of the year, that law was invoked against 23 Mapuche persons charged with terrorist homicidal arson, terrorist arson, and/or terrorist conspiracy.

#governments are the evil ones in their suits and ties ,
they watch and get rich as tribal humanity dies .


The West's governments have access to excellent #intel, #demography, national #statistics, #anthropology & other #info describing the people-groups, cultures & #societies of the #people they have imported into #Western nations.

The West's #governments used #NATO, #UN, #paramilitary & intel agencies to kick proverbial wasp nests in the Middle East, #Africa & South-West #Asia & then opened the West's borders to hostile peoples from antithetical #cultures.

None of the #political, #corporate, #academic, #plutocratic or #aristocratic #elites have been harmed. The #victims have been the peoples of the #West who had little to no say in #geopolitical affairs. The West’s elites are at #war with Western peoples.

#theelite #westerncivilization #thewest #middleeast #islam #uk



Why It's Impossible for #Right-Wing #Governments to Handle a #Crisis
Why right wing crises face incompetence or cynical exploitation. Bush and “heckofajob Brownie”; Netanyahu and Gaza; Trump and Covid, or his cynically tossing paper towels at hurricane victims..

OCT 17, 2023

..."Leftwing governments believe in democracy, and so try to accomplish what’s best for the majority of people while protecting the rights of the minority; rightwing governments practice autocracy on behalf of the morbidly rich. Sometimes, like the old USSR or modern Venezuela, repressive and authoritarian rightwing governments pretend to be left-wing, but the police state aspects of their governance give the game away.

— Rightwingers don’t see democracy as a benefit or even an ideal; they see it as an impediment to further comforting the already-comfortable while enriching themselves in the process. Instead of building up disaster preparedness through strengthening, for example, FEMA, they work to redirect those government dollars back to their friends through things like $600 billion a year in oil industry subsidies and over $20 trillion (cumulatively) in Republican tax cuts to billionaires since 1981.

The result — when rightwingers are in charge — is government that’s not paying attention to real threats and, when they come, responds with profound incompetence or cynical exploitation. Bush and “heckofajob Brownie”; Netanyahu and Gaza; Trump and Covid, or his cynically tossing paper towels at hurricane victims.

Bush was not only incompetent in allowing 9/11 to happen despite multiple warnings that he refused to respond to, but when it did happen he tried to use it to his own political advantage and that of his Vice President by lying us into two unnecessary and illegal wars."...


really really bad news !!! Surrender of sovereignty

System parties in the Bundestag in favor of WHO pandemic treaty - AfD against it

Einheitsparteien für Abgabe der Souveränität an WHO

Am Freitag fand im Bundestag eine Debatte über den geplanten WHO-Pandemie-Vertrag und die Verschärfung der Internationalen Gesundheitsvorschriften statt. Wenig überraschend wurde der Entschließungs-Antrag „75 Jahre WHO – Stärkung und Reform der Weltgesundheitsorganisation“ von SPD, Grünen und FDP mit 497 Ja-Stimmen beschlossen . Die insgesamt nur 68 Nein-Stimmen kamen in der Hauptsache von der AfD und einigen Fraktionslosen. 25 Abgeordnete enthielten sich.

Unity parties in favor of surrendering sovereignty to WHO

On Friday, the Bundestag held a debate on the planned WHO pandemic treaty and the tightening of the International Health Regulations. Unsurprisingly, the resolution "75 years WHO - Strengthening and reform of the World Health Organization" by SPD, Greens and FDP was passed with 497 votes in favor . The total of only 68 no votes came mainly from the AfD and some independents. 25 members abstained.

... and all western countries' #idiotic #puppet-on-a-string #governments will go along... #oiyoiyoiy !!!
#FUCKING #WHO #BULLSHIT 🥵 ... our #freedom is declining...