

When you are writing your serializers for JSON...do *not* make the it an array or not an array depending on whether there are 0, 1, or more than one item in the set you are serializing like Facebook does with their user's exported archives. #DeleteFacebook


Seriously, for all my #DeleteFacebook commentary it is not because I had a bad experience. I tailored mine well and mostly enjoyed it. My #DeleteFacebook position is about their horrific business ethics and practices that would make even the Union Carbide Bhopal team blush.





This month's updated graph quantifying aggregated partisanship lean of #facebook Top 10 daily posts using @KevinMKruse @FacebooksTop10 raw data. Source code, data, issues, PRs (good faith data corrections, etc.) are at the GitLab project URL in the image. #DeleteFacebook



To highlight how pervasive Facebook/Meesa is: I am not logged into it anywhere, don't use their SSO, no apps on any devices, blockers and containers on all browsers, and they *still* tracked 3 things and linked it back to my account in one week. Crazy! #DeleteFacebook #DeleteMeta



I shared this once but am thinking I'm going to start referring to Facebook/Meta as Meesa now. Like Jar Jar they are a perpetually annoying bumbling fuck that manages to rise to upper echelons of power and help destroy everything thing while there. #DeleteFacebook #DeletaMeta
