

Surprise #Brexit means Brexit 😱 🎸🎢 🎀

Iron Maiden Singer, who Voted for Brexit, Complains About Resulting #EU #Travel Restrictions

"It's very well known that I voted Brexit, but the idea is that after you've done it, you then go in and be sensible about the relationships you have with people. So at the moment, all this guff about not being able to play in #Europe and Europeans not being able to play over here, and work permits, and all the rest of the rubbish – Come on! Get your act together!," he added.

Source: https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/world/iron-maiden-singer-who-voted-for-brexit-complains-about-resulting-eu-travel-restrictions/ar-AALyfcJ

#politics #economy #entertainment #business #problem #uk #music #news #problem #ironmaiden #dickinson