

Mark Sexton & Concerned #Citizens #Close #Down #UK #Vaccine mass murder Centre [Full Interaction]


Mark Sexton & Concerned Citizens Close Down UK Vaccine Center [Full Interaction]
What transpired was at the University of the West of England, Bristol. This can be replicated. It only takes a handful of citizens with cool composure and sharp minds to close down these centers


Generation Now

#ElizabethWathuti at COP26: "Please open your hearts"

'Today’s #young #people are coming of age just as the #stable #climate that has allowed #previous #generations to #thrive on our #planet begins to visibly #break #down—and just before our last chance to stop it falls out of reach. #Leaders keep #praising young people for standing up and #protesting. But #saving the #world needs #decisions from the leaders. Decisions that #prioritize the #lives of the #people and the planet.'
#GenerationNow #COP26 #youth #activists #protests #strike #climatechange #movement #gnd #future #environment #gretathunberg #janegoodall #fridaysforfuture #climate #justice #hope


Beyond The Dutch 49: Spooky Action At The Funfair

A music podcast with your roving reporter Iris and radio veteran Raymond! Be prepared for weird accents and unpredictable musical picks! A music only episode, containing a nice mixture of several musical genres. You will hear music from Focus, Nevermen, O.R.k., Portico Quartet, Blacklist, Cory Wong, Cog, Lake Turner, Lifesigns, Tool, The Pineapple Thief, Down, The Fierce And The Dead, and Kaada.

Give our Facebook page a like: https://www.facebook.com/beyondthedutch

I've setup a fundraiser to help save for a new PC so I can continue my work as a music journalist. Want to help donate/share? Click here: http://fnd.us/c1o8oe?ref=sh_dAA421 Thank you so much! <3

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#podcast #music #musicpodcast #progressiverock #progrock #prog #rock #indie #alternative #metal #jazz #fusion #electronicmusic #focus #nevermen #ork #porticoquartest #blacklist #corywong #cog #laketurner #lifesigns #tool #thepineapplethief #down #thefierceandthedead #kaada #radio #radioshow #mixcloud