

У DOWN есть десять

Лидер CROWBAR Kirk Windstein в недавнем интервью рассказал о том, как идут дела с новым материалом DOWN:

«Последние месяцы я целиком и полностью погрузился в этот мир, сочиняю и работаю над альбомом, который выйдет в какой-то момент в 2025... У нас есть десять песен и они круты, чувак!»

#Down #SludgeMetal #Sludge_Metal

Видео: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6qch5XEjAaU

#lang_ru #метал #darksideru



Last month, Steven Ward delivered a letter to King Charles III and UK Prime Minister Keir Starmer stating they have violated the rule of law. By doing so they have #acted #unconstitutionally.

Using #MagnaCarta and the English Bill of Rights as the foundational documents for the rule of law in the UK’s constitutional arrangements, Ward explains to the two men why they have violated it. The violations centre around the covid so-called vaccines and allowing foreign influences to cause harm to British subjects.

In the case of Charles III, his violations of the rule of law also includes entering into arrangements with #foreign #governments and organisations, such as the World Economic Forum #wef to initiate and promote The #Great #Reset.

Ward has called for them to both “ #stand #down” as, constitutionally, they are #untrustworthy and #unfit to proceed with matters of the #State.

The uncodified constitution of the #UK is understood by few. And few will be familiar with the concepts raised by Ward in his letter. So, we have dived in and attempted to provide context and background that will help our readers understand Ward’s ‘Letter Upon #Constitutional #Principle’.

It’s a long one folks, so grab a cuppa and then settle in.

Charles III and Keir Starmer have violated the rule of law and must step down


Мультикамерная съемка с выступления DOWN

Мультикамерная съемка с выступления DOWN, которое состоялось 20 июня в Southport Hall, New Orleans, доступно для просмотра ниже:

01. Lysergik Funeral Procession

02. Hail The Leaf

03. Lifer

04. The Seed

05. Ghosts Along The Mississippi

06. Rehab

07. Losing All

08. New Orleans Is A Dying Whore

09. Pillars Of Eternity

10. Swan Song

11. Eyes Of The South

12. Stone The Crow

13. Bury Me In Smoke

#Down #SludgeMetal #Sludge_Metal

Видео: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xC9udaxSR7Q

#lang_ru #метал #darksideru


#Stalinist #Starmer has announced a #tyrannical #clamp #down on patriots.
enter image description here
murder comes naturally to the evil ones

He’s announced new policies:

  • New Stasi-esque police force to monitor right-wingers.

  • Travel bans for known activists.

  • New facial recognition tech to be rolled out.

  • Warning to social media companies to limit free speech.

  • Called legitimate protests ‘criminal behaviour’.

  • Branded patriots as ‘thugs’.

  • Ignored leftist violence and migrant riots.

This is a clear attack on patriotic groups to silence Labour’s political opposition.

We live in very dangerous times.



Видео с выступления DOWN

Видео с выступления DOWN, которое состоялось 21 июня в Southport Hall, New Orleans. доступно для просмотра ниже:

01. Eyes Of The South

02. Pillars Of Eternity

03. Lifer

04. Hail The Leaf

05. Temptation's Wings

06. Underneath Everything

07. There's Something On My Side

08. Losing All

09. Rehab

10. Swan Song

11. New Orleans Is A Dying Whore

12. Stone The Crow

13. Bury Me In Smoke

#Down #SludgeMetal #Sludge_Metal

Видео: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uzoP3tLoHbo







#lang_ru #метал #darksideru


Видео с выступления DOWN

Видео с выступления DOWN, которое состоялось 20 июня в Southport Hall, New Orleans. доступно для просмотра ниже:

01. Lysergik Funeral Procession

02. Hail The Leaf

03. Lifer

04. The Seed

05. Ghosts Along The Mississippi

06. Rehab

07. Losing All

08. New Orleans Is A Dying Whore

09. Pillars Of Eternity

10. Swan Song

11. Eyes Of The South

12. Stone The Crow

13. Bury Me In Smoke

#Down #SludgeMetal #Sludge_Metal

Видео: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SypGnO1-ijc


#lang_ru #метал #darksideru


KIRK WINDSTEIN о новой музыке DOWN

KIRK WINDSTEIN в интервью Concrete Spew обсудил, какой получилась новая музыка DOWN:

«Всё звучит как DOWN. Я имею в виду, она звучит освежающе, потому что мы так давно не занимались этим, не собирались вместе с ребятами и не сочиняли.. Прошло лет двенадцать и, как по мне, всё это больше похоже на DOWN старой школы. И причина, по которой я так говорю, в том, что мы дошли до того момента, когда... Например, альбом "NOLA" настолько прост, что он написался сам собой; он был настолько прост. Так и сейчас, и это здорово. Мы не задумываемся над происходящим. Мы не пытаемся сделать что-то слишком сложным. Теперь Phil не пытается написать много текстов и прочего. Мы просто немного отошли — не люблю говорить "отошли", потому что всё, что мы делаем, это DOWN, но, как мне кажется, мы немного... Нам нужно было вернуться, посмотреть друг на друга и сказать: "Давайте просто соберемся в комнате и сделаем всё так, как мы делали с самого начала". И именно такие у меня ощущения. Всё так волшебно. Идеи и совместная работа, когла мы просто отталкиваемся друг от друга, это очень естественно».

#Down #SludgeMetal #Sludge_Metal

Видео: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XRCkIkzcHmY

#lang_ru #метал #darksideru


Putin Wins, Ukraine is Losing and Israel Doubles Down — My Weekly chat with the Judge

#Putin #Wins , #Ukraine is #Losing and #Israel #Doubles #Down #Russia #Larry #Johnson #Judge #Napolitano

"The West just can’t handle the truth — i.e., Vladimir Putin enjoys great popularity and easily won re-election. The whining and carping from Western political leaders filled the legacy media as they insisted Russia held a sham, illegal election. Boo hoo. After the debacle in 2020 and the subsequent imprisonment of hundreds of Trump supporters with unfounded charges of insurrection, the United States is in no position to lecture any other country about free and fair #elections . It is hypocrisy on steroids."



Good news!

After many months of searching, I finally found my #bra, which I was loosing in a #wave.
The search has an end, there is no more need to look for it. Thanks to all, who were looking together with me at parts of certain areas and your comments. Now that I got what I was looking for, I will slowly, and joyfully move on to another beach.

All these ‘important issues’, like #Ukraine, #Russia, #Göttingen #Nato, #war, #lbgtq, #left, #nerdpol, #right, #up and #down have mainly temporary occupied my mind’s field of interest. After intensively looking at those, I am now free to look at more essential issues. Only a few years are left for unfolding eventually remaining potential of this existence.


Good news!

After many months of searching, I finally found my #bra, which I was loosing in a #wave.
The search has an end, there is no more need to look for it. Thanks to all, who were looking together with me at parts of certain areas and your comments. Now that I got what I was looking for, I will slowly, and joyfully move on to another beach.

All these ‘important issues’, like #Ukraine, #Russia, #Nato, #war, #lbgtq, #left, #nerdpol, #right, #up and #down have mainly temporary occupied my mind’s field of interest. After intensively looking at those, I am now free to look at more essential issues. Only a few years are left for unfolding eventually remaining potential of this existence.