

Set in Alexandria, the novel tells the story of Chrysis, a courtesan, and the sculptor Démétrios. A Galilaean with long golden hair (source of her Greek nickname), Chrysis is proud of her beauty and her skill at winning the devotion and servility of men.
Démétrios, for his part, is worshipped by the women of the town, but has grown tired of their devotion. He has come to prefer his statue of the goddess Aphrodite even to his lover, Queen Bérénice, who posed for it. Chrysis is the only woman who does not care for him.

The satyrs pursue in the woods
The light-footed oreads.
They chase the nymphs upon the mountains,
They fill their eyes with affright,
They seize their hair in the wind,
They grasp their breasts in the chase,
And throw their warm bodies backwards
Upon the green dew-covered moss,
And the beautiful bodies, their beautiful bodies half divine,
Writhe with the agony . . .
O women! Eros makes your lips cry aloud
With dolorous, sweet Desire.

-- in Ancient Manners: Also Known As Aphrodite by Pierre Louÿs, Ch. II - The Quay at Alexandria

#book #books #classic #erotic #erotic-literature #Aphrodite #Pierre-Louÿs

-- The illustrations are by George Barbier (who illustrated some of Pierre Louys books), but only the first one is (perhaps) related to this book in particular.

-- link to the free book online, for those who are ashamed or have no money to buy it :) :)