

"This generation, man, we're really good at putting up walls, despite all our openness. But where does this all lead to? What exactly are we chasing? This is where I especially love the name 'Chasing Stateless,' because if all this continues, we indeed will end up stateless, society-less, community-less, neighbor-less. Just a bunch of same-sies, living in an imaginary bubble, where we all look / think / say / CHASE the same things."

#music #electronic #experimental #fieldrecording #folk #planet-mu #techno #Brooklyn

Chasing Stateless by Saint Abdullah & Eomac


Dieses Mal gibt es den Sonntagsambient* bereits am Samstag ... wunderbar runterbringende Soundcollagen aus Darkjazz, Ambient und Fieldrecordings ...
The Last Sense To Fade von Darkroom, wirklich gelungen.

[*ich habe diese Rubrik zwar gar nicht wirklich, aber ich erinnere mich, dass ich oftmals an einem Sonntag diese Tipps geteilt habe.]

#Sonntagsambient #ambient #fieldrecording #darkjazz #soundcollage #drone #experimental