

Zeiss Ikon Contessamatic E.


Let me just open with the fact that I got this camera for 20 euros. People don't seem to want these cameras much but come on, look what it does in all this free-Wordpress-low-res glory. The original scans are so much joy to look at. I never thought I would like the results this much but there is a buttery smoothness about them, which is weird I know because they are actually tack-sharp.

It's not the most comfortable camera to use due in part to the squarish form. I find that my right hand is not provided with enough grip space while my left tries to maneuver the long focus throw and both hands tend to get into each other's way sometimes. It's a lot less portable than the Revue 400 SE and I am not fond of the design of the original case. That said, I actually can't wait to make more photographs with this camera because, well, the lens.

Kodak Eastman Double-X 5222, Zeiss Ikon Contessamatic E

#filmphotography #35mmfilm #analoguephotography #blackandwhite #kodakeastmandoublex5222 #taipei #taiwan #testroll #zeissikoncontessamatice
posted by pod_feeder_v2


Revue 400 SE.


In my bid to give rangefinders another go, I went on a bargain hunt for one that is lightweight and easy to bring around. I spent a lot of time looking at the Konica C35 series and ultimately really wanted the best one of them all - the Konica Auto S3. The hunt being bargain, though, I settled for the Revue 400 SE with a Revuenon f/1.7 40mm lens which is believed to be extremely similar to the Auto S3.

The funny thing is my copy does not work in auto mode so the aperture stays wide open at f/1.7. Despite my usual preference for shallow depth of field and slight overexposure, I do think it is actually too wide for my shooting habits. I have a roll of expired Fujicolor 100 in it right now and while I usually shoot that at 1/60 or 1/30 sec, I decided to stick to box speed to compensate for the wide aperture. We'll see how that turns out.

Rangefinders tire my short-sighted eyes out trying to find the perfect focus but I've slowly but surely warmed up to the system with this camera. I was correct that I needed something light enough that I didn't otherwise have both weight and focus to grumble about on a photo walk. The focus throw is short so it saves me a lot of time to frustrate over perfect focus, which is something that really works for a short-fused person like myself. I was also testing the Zeiss Ikon Contessamatic E at the same time and its longer focus throw did make me mull impatiently over precision - the Tessar lens, though, oh my. I'll leave the gushing for the next post.

Kodak Eastman Double-X 5222, Revue 400 SE

#filmphotography #35mmfilm #analoguephotography #blackandwhite #kodakeastmandoublex5222 #revue400se #taipei #taiwan #testroll
posted by pod_feeder_v2


Il y a un an, j'ai commencé une collaboration avec des amis photographes, histoire de mêler notre travail, avancer à l'aveugle et voir ce que ça donne. Il y a encore des pellicules qui tournent par-ci par-là, mais j'ai récemment commencé à faire des tirages à partir des négatifs développés. Je dois bien confesser que le résultat me plait au moins autant que le procédé d'obtention des images m'amuse, et j'ai beaucoup aimé aller bruler la pellicule à droite à gauche sans autre réel garde fou que celui de faire des images et avec le plaisir de savoir que ce qu'on fige ne sortira pas complétement comme on le voit. Enfermé dans la chambre noire je rentre maintenant dans un monde d'hallucinations. Cette image est le premier tirage réalisé.

#photographie #photography #argentique #analog #filmphotography #noiretblanc #blackandwhite #art #artvisuel #visualart #doubleexposition #doubleexposure #hallucination #bezzibatani #mywork #ourwork