

Sara's Lair

Sara stretched, arching backwards until she heard vertebrae pop, but careful not to tip her desk chair backwards far enough to fall on the stone floor. She stood, touched her toes and did several side-bends. She studied her laptop screen, contemplating her[...]

#creative-copy-challenge #flash-fiction #short-story

Originally posted at: https://jahangiri.us/2020/saras-lair/


The Things We Do For Love

All day, it had taken him, it seemed, to travel the length of the patio. He had soldiered on, putting one foot in front of the other, to escape the punishing heat of the afternoon sun on scorching cement. "I'm impressed, Marty,"[...]

#early-bird #fiction #flash-fiction #short-story

Originally posted at: https://jahangiri.us/2020/the-things-we-do-for-love/


Little Lies We Tell Ourselves

None of us live forever, but your time had begun running out. I knew this, intellectually. But it had never hit me just how finite our lifespans are. There, blanketed by the darkness, I held you and sobbed. When the salt dried against my cheeks, I prayed to God to let me die before you, though I had never felt more alive, or wanted so desperately to live a long life, in order to watch and marvel as yours unfolded.

#birth #death #flash-fiction #future #life

Originally posted at: https://jahangiri.us/2020/little-lies-we-tell-ourselves/