

FDO's conduct enforcement actions regarding Vaxry

#hyprland again - Some highlights:

  • Hazing someone in your discord because they have pronouns in their bio
  • Speaking pretty bluntly against queer people and minorities at large
  • "at 15 he doesnt even know what he will be studying at uni and he already wanna go get AIDS?"
  • "I think this server's motto should be 'love guns, hate damn minorities'"


#hyprland #fdo #freedesktop #abuse #toxicity #right #wing #extremism #vaxry


Today I learned that freedesktop.org's gdm service has its own power settings, set by default to suspend the computer after 15 minutes. So guess what happens when you log out (as you should) and walk away from the computer?

I have no idea why they thought this was a good idea, but if it was for energy settings let me tell you that it caused me to have to turn around and drive back to the office to find out why this particular system suddenly went away.

Since I wasn't in the mood to log in, su to gdm, change the settings and test them, I just installed another desktop that isn't making the wrong decisions for me. I'm perfectly capable of making my own bad choices.

#linux #freedesktop #gnome