

Shrinking my social media, Fediverse notes and thoughts

So, packing up another piece of my social media, this time a Tumblr devoted to #mlp because few of the ponies I follow post any more. Seriously, a few of the blogs haven't posted in 7 years!

Any how, I went over the Fediverse as some of the content I was posting there will be coming here, in fact this blog is sorta becoming my social media hub.
One thing I didn't share there was my thought that #friendca is wrong to market itself as a FaceBook alternative. I really don't see it, to me it's more of an old style blog, though I understand that isn't sexy. Also I think #diaspora should make themselves more Tumblr like, like Tumblr they're sorta the odd man out, not quite like anything else, so why not some solidarity?

Any how, for anyone what's interested...