

Aliyev: The Armenians created a state for themselves on a foreign land. Armenia has never been on this territory. Today's Armenia is our land. When I say this many times, they try to point out to me that I have territorial claims. I say this as a historical fact. If anyone can confirm another version, please do so.

Doesn't it sounds familiar? Wonder how the moral guardians of "civilized Europeans" going to react to it?

Stop buying gas from them?
Stop selling weapons to them?
Call for sanctions and boycott of #Azerbaijan?

Don't expect any of them. Faacist dictators friendly to west are completely acceptable, they have always been, they will always be.

This disgusting sack of shit doesn't even know that his country wasn't even a country before Soviet union and it was always part of Iran/Persia.

#EU #fscism #StopAliyev #StandWithArmenia #Armenia #Politics #Hypocrisy #NATO #Turkey #Israel