"Please verify your account before posting comments. "
here we see rumble’s managed opposition fascist panopticon orwellianism. oh, just to verify my account is it? how nice sounding.
i miss the internet of 1995-2005.
#verify #panopticon
#corporate #psychopath #panopticon
#fuckoffrumble #fuckofffascist
#datamining #spyware
#spywall #paywall
well, i hope i managed to promote free software and freedom respecting free software federated coms, before they closed that "free speech" window. and i hope they dont delete/demote those various posts. i wonder if it was the many times i encouraged people set up their own peertube instances... maybe they didnt like me promoting ways out of their managed overton window.
distrust 'em. crooks. was obvious from the start.
still, was nice to have that fantasy comfort for a while... to hear messages from outside the tightest overton window of the corporate "mainstream". nice to see facilitations at least one level of the matryoshka matrix up n out one more of the onion of plato's caves. :/ when already seen several more layers out yet... can be hard watching people lap up the red-vs-blue duopoly ploys that keep them divided and conquered in the conflationary over-simplifications. painful... knowing there are psychopathic cliques of eugenicists, genocidalists, anthrocidalists, ecocidalists, omnicidalists, and just plain old sadistic murderers, amond the consolidated centers of power-over which so attract the worst. #kakistarchy.