nytimes July 8, 2021 7:00pm Glass Ceiling Persists for Women in Mayor’s Race #electionsmayors #womenandgirls #rankedchoicevoting #primariesandcaucuses #garciakathryn #wileymaya #newyorkcity #democraticparty #news 109 Mayors, All Men. When Will New York Elect a Woman? Kathryn Garcia and Maya Wiley placed second and third in the Democratic mayoral primary. Many New Yorkers hoped the glass ceiling would finally be broken.
nytimes July 7, 2021 3:00pm Kathryn Garcia Concedes in N.Y.C. Mayor’s Race #electionsmayors #primariesandcaucuses #democraticparty #garciakathryn #adamsericl #newyorkcity #news Why Voters Favored Centrists in the New York City Mayor’s Race Kathryn Garcia and Maya Wiley both conceded to Eric Adams in the mayor’s race. Progressives had hoped that a left-leaning candidate would win.
nytimes July 7, 2021 1:00am Eric Adams Wins Democratic Primary for NYC Mayor #electionsmayors #primariesandcaucuses #democraticparty #boardofelectionsnyc #adamsericl #garciakathryn #newyorkcity #blackpeople #rankedchoicevoting #votingandvoters #news Eric Adams Wins Democratic Primary for New York City Mayor Mr. Adams held off Kathryn Garcia after a count of 118,000 absentee ballots saw his substantial lead on primary night narrow to a single percentage point.
nytimes July 3, 2021 1:00am Absentee Ballots May Determine if Eric Adams Wins Mayor's Race #electionsmayors #rankedchoicevoting #absenteevoting #votingandvoters #mayors #newyorkcity #adamsericl #garciakathryn #wileymaya #news Campaigns Keep Close Watch on Count That Will Decide N.Y.C. Mayor’s Race The tallying of more than 125,000 absentee ballots will determine whether Eric Adams retains his lead in the Democratic primary.
nytimes July 2, 2021 11:00am In Chaotic Mayor’s Race, It’s All Down to the Absentee Ballots #electionsmayors #absenteevoting #rankedchoicevoting #votingandvoters #primariesandcaucuses #democraticparty #boardofelectionsnyc #newyorkcity #adamsericl #wileymaya #garciakathryn #news 125,000 Absentee Ballots Will Likely Decide New York’s Next Mayor It’s a tight Democratic primary race between Eric Adams, Kathryn Garcia and Maya Wiley, and the winner will hinge on absentee ballots. Here’s what to know.
nytimes July 1, 2021 10:00am What to Know About the Vote Tally Fiasco #newyorkcity #boardofelectionsnyc #electionsmayors #absenteevoting #sculpture #adamsericl #garciakathryn #wileymaya #highlinemanhattanny #news What to Know About the Vote Tally Fiasco A revised unofficial count of ranked-choice voting results suggested a tight race among the top three Democratic candidates for mayor.
nytimes July 1, 2021 1:00am N.Y.C. Mayor’s Race Remains Tight With Adams Leading in Revised Tally #electionsmayors #rankedchoicevoting #primariesandcaucuses #votingandvoters #boardofelectionsnyc #democraticparty #adamsericl #wileymaya #garciakathryn #newyorkcity #politicsandgovernment #news N.Y.C. Mayor’s Race Remains Tight With Adams Leading in Revised Tally Eric Adams kept his lead in a new tally of ranked-choice preferences, after the Board of Elections scrapped the results of an earlier count.
nytimes June 29, 2021 8:00pm Eric Adams’s Lead in Mayor’s Race Shrinks After First Ranked-Choice Tally #adamsericl #garciakathryn #electionsmayors #rankedchoicevoting #newyorkcity #wileymaya #news New York Mayor’s Race in Chaos After Elections Board Counts 135,000 Test Ballots The extraordinary sequence of events threw the closely watched Democratic primary contest into a new period of uncertainty and seeded further confusion about the outcome.
nytimes June 29, 2021 11:00am Dry Run for Ranked-Choice Count May Hint at How N.Y.C. Mayor’s Race Ends #rankedchoicevoting #electionsmayors #primariesandcaucuses #votingandvoters #absenteevoting #democraticparty #newyorkcity #adamsericl #garciakathryn #wileymaya #boardofelectionsnyc #news What to Expect as Early Ranked-Choice Results Are Released in New York Absentee ballots won’t be included, but data to be released Tuesday could signal the way vote totals will shift as the field is officially winnowed.
nytimes June 29, 2021 10:00am Time to Get Some Ranked-Choice Voting Results #newyorkcity #rankedchoicevoting #electionsmayors #adamsericl #primariesandcaucuses #wileymaya #garciakathryn #greenwichvillagemanhattanny #news Time to Get Some Ranked-Choice Voting Results Primary Day may have been one week ago, but many races across the city are still not decided because of ranked-choice voting.
nytimes June 24, 2021 12:00pm N.Y.C. Mayor’s Race: Could the Top 3 Change Places? #newyorkcity #rankedchoicevoting #adamsericl #alcoholicbeverages #electionsmayors #coronavirus2019ncov #garciakathryn #wileymaya #politicsandgovernment #news N.Y.C. Mayor’s Race: Could the Top 3 Change Places? Eric Adams is leading the race, but the standings could change as ranked-choice votes are tabulated — though a turnaround would be tough.
nytimes June 24, 2021 10:00am N.Y.C. Mayor’s Race: Could the Top 3 Change Places? #newyorkcity #rankedchoicevoting #adamsericl #alcoholicbeverages #electionsmayors #coronavirus2019ncov #garciakathryn #wileymaya #politicsandgovernment #news N.Y.C. Mayor’s Race: Could the Top 3 Change Places? Eric Adams is leading the race, but the standings could change as ranked-choice votes are tabulated — though a turnaround would be tough.
nytimes June 24, 2021 12:00am How Maya Wiley or Kathryn Garcia Could Beat Eric Adams #electionsmayors #rankedchoicevoting #votingandvoters #adamsericl #garciakathryn #wileymaya #newyorkcity #yangandrew1975 #news Can Maya Wiley or Kathryn Garcia Still Beat Eric Adams? Yes, but … Under ranked-choice voting, it is mathematically possible for the second- and third-place finishers in Tuesday’s Democratic primary to overtake the front-runner — but it will be tough.
nytimes June 23, 2021 7:00am What We Learned from the NYC Mayoral Primary Election #electionsmayors #primariesandcaucuses #rankedchoicevoting #adamsericl #braggalvin #cabantiffany #farhadianweinsteintali #garciakathryn #landerbrad #mcguireraymondj #moralesdianne #stringerscottm #yangandrew1975 #wileymaya #news 5 takeaways from the New York City mayoral primary. Eric Adams paced the field, while Maya Wiley was in second and Kathryn Garcia in third. Andrew Yang fizzled and dropped out of the race.
nytimes June 22, 2021 11:00pm Five Choices? New Yorkers Take a New Voting Method in Stride #electionsmayors #electionsdistrictattorneys #electionscitycouncils #rankedchoicevoting #coronavirus2019ncov #mayors #citycouncilnyc #johnsonlyndonbaines #schwebernate #yangandrew1975 #garciakathryn #news Primary Day in New York: Rain, Short Lines and a New Kind of Ballot New York City voters used ranked-choice voting for the first time in a mayoral race on Tuesday, and many of them took it in stride.
nytimes June 22, 2021 10:00pm Fluid NYC Mayoral Race Heads to a Close as Voters Cast Ballots #elections #newyorkcity #democraticparty #adamsericl #yangandrew1975 #wileymaya #garciakathryn #moralesdianne #stringerscottm #donovanshaunls1966 #news Fluid race heads to a finish as voters choose a mayor to lead N.Y.C.’s comeback. The heated primary race, in which the city is testing ranked-choice voting, is in its final hours.
nytimes June 22, 2021 10:00am New Yorkers Vote for Mayor in Race Tinged With Acrimony and Uncertainty #electionsmayors #electionsdistrictattorneys #primariesandcaucuses #rankedchoicevoting #newyorkcity #democraticparty #adamsericl #garciakathryn #wileymaya #yangandrew1975 #news Adams Leads in N.Y.C. Mayoral Primary, but Ranked Choice Awaits Voters on Tuesday took part in the city’s first mayoral election using ranked-choice voting, allowing voters to rank up to five candidates in order of preference.
nytimes June 22, 2021 2:00am Here’s How New Yorkers Feel About Ranked-Choice Voting #adamsericl #donovanshaunls1966 #wileymaya #garciakathryn #yangandrew1975 #newyorkcity #electionsmayors #rankedchoicevoting #news Here’s How New Yorkers Feel About Ranked-Choice Voting New Yorkers are using a new voting system citywide for the first time, but in interviews, many seemed characteristically unfazed: “It’s real easy if people just learn how to read.”
nytimes June 22, 2021 2:00am Rancor Between Adams and Yang Marks End of Bruising Mayoral Campaign #electionsmayors #rankedchoicevoting #primariesandcaucuses #raceandethnicity #democraticparty #adamsericl #garciakathryn #yangandrew1975 #wileymaya #newyorkcity #politicsandgovernment #news Rancor Between Adams and Yang Marks End of Bruising Mayoral Campaign On the eve of Tuesday’s primary, the top candidates for mayor of New York City issued their sharpest criticism of the campaign.
nytimes June 22, 2021 1:00am Whether Maya Wiley or Kathryn Garcia, a Woman Mayor Could Save N.Y.C. #garciakathryn #adamsericl #wileymaya #newyorkcity #mayors #electionsmayors #rankedchoicevoting #democraticparty #primariesandcaucuses #votingandvoters #womenandgirls #news Opinion | Only the Women Can Save Us Now, New York Both men leading the Democratic mayoral primary are disasters.